rust-nostr / nostr

Nostr protocol implementation, SDK and FFI
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Is there a property to distinguish an event received from a relay? #505

Closed xeruf closed 1 month ago

xeruf commented 1 month ago

I store events received (from a subscription and get_events_of) in the same data structure as events I newly create. When my program terminates, I want to submit the new events to the relay in a batch. Before I create a separate structure to hold events to be sent - Is there some event property that differs depending on whether the event was received from a relay or created in the program?

yukibtc commented 1 month ago

You have 2 options: A) use negentropy reconciliation with direction set to up B) use the NostrDatabase::event_seen_on_relays method

A) Negetropy reconciliation (supported only by strfry relays and require a persistent database):

let filter = // Your filter
let opts = NegentropyOptions::default().direction(NegentropyDirection::Up);
let output = client.reconcile(filter, opts).await?;

B) Event seen on (work also with the default in-memory database):

let database = client.database();

    for id in ids {
        let set = database.event_seen_on_relays(id).await?.unwrap_or_default();
        if set.is_empty() { // Not seen by any relay (so probably created locally)
            // Mark for broadcast
xeruf commented 1 month ago

Oh there is an accessible database, that is helpful - then I might not need to retain an EventId-Event HashMap at all