rust-or / highs-sys

Rust binding for the HiGHS linear programming solver
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Feat(): Support static compliation on Linux MUSL #4

Closed dandxy89 closed 3 years ago

dandxy89 commented 3 years ago

Fixes #2

lovasoa commented 3 years ago

You can leave a pr opened even when there are still things to change :) That makes it more visible to others

dandxy89 commented 3 years ago

I've realised I can run the gitflow task on my fork so will continue on there.

To be honest, I'm close to not continuing with it and continue to use Python for our solvers.

Will give it one good go this week 😒

dandxy89 commented 3 years ago

Can you try building the master branch again?

The MacOS failures don't make sense...

dandxy89 commented 3 years ago

Second question: are you using this, good_lp, library at work?

lovasoa commented 3 years ago

yes we are using at enexflow :)

lovasoa commented 3 years ago

i relaunched the ci, but I don't think the problem comes from it...