rust-random / getrandom

A small cross-platform library for retrieving random data from (operating) system source
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Support for non-blocking getrandom #365

Open newpavlov opened 1 year ago

newpavlov commented 1 year ago

In some scenarios (e.g. for seeding HashMap) it's desirable to get potentially less secure numbers than to block indefinitely. The motivation is largely equivalent to motivation behind the GRND_NONBLOCK flag used in the getrandom syscall. We probably should add support for such scenarios, either by adding an additional argument or by introducing a separate set of non-blocking functions.

Relevant PRs: #353 #352

briansmith commented 11 months ago

This suggests an API something like this:

enum NonBlocking<'a> {
    /// The system successfully filled the buffer with random data.
    Filled(&'a [u8]),

    /// The system is not ready to fulfill the request, but it might be ready later.

    /// The system doesn't implement a non-blocking API.
fn getrandom_nonblocking<'a>(dest: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<NonBlocking<'a>> { ... }
fn getrandom_uninit_nonblocking<'a>(dest: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>])) -> Result<NonBlocking<'a>> { ... }
newpavlov commented 10 months ago

I'm less eager to implement support for legacy non-blocking reading from "/dev/[u]random".

I agree. We could support sources which respect entropy estimates, but I don't think they are used much in practice nowadays.

The caller should implement their own fallback logic for when getrandom isn't available.

I think some platforms may provide randomness even if PRNG did not get enough initialization entropy (like /dev/urandom on Linux and randABytes on VxWorks). In such cases I think it would be better to return less secure randomness than ask users to implement their own fallback (which likely will be even less secure). In other words, we probably should add an option "give me random numbers even if they may be not secure enough".

Failing to get random bytes from a non-blocking call is not an error; it is an expected condition. It shouldn't be modeled as an error.

I think it's fine to return EAGAIN-like errors when user has explicitly asked for a non-blocking source. Our API is relatively low level and "try again" error codes is a common approach with OS APIs.

To summarize, we probably need combination of the following options:

It may be represented as two separate options: quality of generated randomness and blocking behavior. The former also may include the "super secure" option to cover the GRND_RANDOM flag.

josephlr commented 3 months ago

Copying from #439

My proposed new API for this crate would be to introduce a getrandom::Opts structure which would initially be empty, but could have fields added over time to support things like #365. This would allow us to introduce new functionality by just adding new fields to Opts . Specifically, the API would be:

#[non_exhaustive] // Possible now that MSRV >= 1.40
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Opts {}

impl Opts {
    pub const fn new() -> Self;

pub fn fill(buf: &mut [u8], opts: Opts) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Do we even want this? See discussion below
pub fn fill_uninit(buf: &mut [MaybeUninit<u8>], opts: Opts) -> Result<&mut [u8], Error>;

/// Convenience wrapper for `fill(buf, Opts::new())`
/// I don't think we would want to deprecate this.
pub fn getrandom(buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error>;

Handling register_custom_getrandom!()

I would propose having the register_custom_getrandom! support both functions with the type of fill and those with the type of fill_uninit (if we keep the uninit methods). We can use traits/generics to have the macro work with either function type. Similar to the current implementation, the macro would generate a #[no_mangle] extern "Rust" function, but it would have a different signature:

unsafe fn __getrandom_fill(dest: *mut u8, len: usize, opts: *const Opts) -> u32;

I would also propose having the macro also create an unsafe fn __getrandom_custom(dest: *mut u8, len: usize) function, allowing the custom implementation registered with the next version of getrandom to still work with getrandom 0.2 without folks having to do tricks like those suggested in

briansmith commented 3 months ago

Which targets could even support non-blocking mode at all? For each one, how would it do so?

What would actually use this API? For which use case? At one point we thought maybe libstd would, but I don't think it will ever use getrandom, as it's already implemented what it needs itself.

The one option I know some people definitely need is "don't fall back to /dev/urandom, and don't link in the use_file code at all unless something else in this process is using getrandom without this option." That would require a separate constructor for Opts at least.

josephlr commented 3 months ago

My initial ideas for flags in Opts would be: