The current documentation build in does not include any crate features (at the moment just with-serde), which might lead to users of the crate not being aware of their existence.
Before submitting your PR, please make sure you addressed the following
[X] All commits in this PR are signed (with git commit -s), and the commit
message has max 60 characters for the summary and max 75 characters for each
description line.
N/A All added/changed functionality has a corresponding unit/integration
[X] All added/changed public-facing functionality has entries in the "Upcoming
Release" section of (if no such section exists, please create one).
N/A Any newly added unsafe code is properly documented.
Summary of the PR
The current documentation build in does not include any crate features (at the moment just
), which might lead to users of the crate not being aware of their existence.Requirements
Before submitting your PR, please make sure you addressed the following requirements:
git commit -s
), and the commit message has max 60 characters for the summary and max 75 characters for each description line.N/A
All added/changed functionality has a corresponding unit/integration test.N/A
Any newly addedunsafe
code is properly documented.