rust-windowing / winit

Window handling library in pure Rust
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Disable macOS app nap in winit #1569

Open aircloud opened 4 years ago

aircloud commented 4 years ago

Currently I have a problem about the process not executed for serval seconds in 'app nap' mode,

more information about 'app nap' is there

and there is the problem:

Is there currently a way to abandon the app nap mode?

madsmtm commented 2 months ago

A bit of a necropost, but you can use the objc2-foundation v0.2.2 crate and the activity API:

use objc2_foundation::{NSProcessInfo, NSActivityOptions, NSString};

// Disable app-nap
let activity = NSProcessInfo::processInfo().beginActivityWithOptions_reason(
    &NSString::from_str("No napping on the job!"),

// Keep the `activity` around while having app-nap disabled

// Re-enable app-nap

None of this is specific to Winit.

daxpedda commented 2 months ago

Web has implemented a few ways to manage throttling. I also plan to expose a way to prevent screen dimming or system sleep (see #3351).

I think that this area, after all these are a lot of different things, is in scope for Winit, considering that it is related to managing the event loop.

I don't know about other backends, but Web has something similar to app nap: most browsers start freezing apps when not focused or not in use, so I will be adding an API that prevents that. Maybe this could be a cross-platform API?


madsmtm commented 2 months ago

Hmm, yeah, I can see the similarity, I'm not opposed to making some of this a more general (instead of a platform-specific) API.