Using the following code you can get the icon for the running process, then call WM_SETICON to apply it to any window.
This prevents storing duplicate copies of the icon just to also reuse it for the window icon.
let Ok(path) = std::env::current_exe() else {
return 0;
let Ok(path) = U16CString::from_os_str(path.as_os_str()) else {
return 0;
// Path is checked to be a valid u16cstring above. The result is checked for errors where
// 1 = not an icon or exe.
// 0 = any other error.
// While this obviously leaks the icon, the icon won't change for the lifetime of the program and can be used in more
// than one window during the lifetime of the program.
let icon = unsafe { ExtractIconW(GetModuleHandleW(std::ptr::null()), path.as_ptr(), 0) };
if icon as usize <= 1 {
return 0;
Using the following code you can get the icon for the running process, then call WM_SETICON to apply it to any window. This prevents storing duplicate copies of the icon just to also reuse it for the window icon.
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