rust3ds / ctru-rs

Rust wrapper for libctru
116 stars 17 forks source link

Outdated for libctru v2.3.1-1 #143

Closed honkling closed 8 months ago

honkling commented 8 months ago

This warning occurs when building.

warning: ctru-sys@22.2.0+2.2.2-1: failed to check libctru version: libctru version is 2.3.1-1 but this crate was built for 2.2.2-1

For the time being, is it possible to downgrade the 3ds-dev group to the supported version? I attempted sudo dkp-pacman -S libctru=2.2.2-1 but it yielded a package not found error.

e: my build is failing, but after further investigation it seems possible that it is not failing due to a version mismatch but rather just missing clang libraries c:

honkling commented 8 months ago

build was indeed failing because clang was not installed

ian-h-chamberlain commented 8 months ago

Yeah, that warning (which should never prevent building) should go away with #141 which should hopefully make it more clear when there is a build failure for other reasons.

I guess I didn't realize that clang was required for building the crate, with bindgen as a build dependency! We should probably include a link to somewhere in our "Getting started" documentation to make it more clear.

Edit: added a brief new wiki section