rustaceanrob / kyoto

a Bitcoin node in your pocket
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Take a look at bitcoin-p2p crate #1

Open stevenroose opened 1 month ago

stevenroose commented 1 month ago

Hey.. Cool work so far! In case it might help you, you might be interested to look at the bitcoin-p2p crate that I half-built a while ago. It's got a good design to start off of. Feel free to adopt it and build Kyoto on top if that makes sense. I built it in such a way that I think it'd be fairly easy to make it compatible with the Tokio runtime as well.


rustaceanrob commented 1 month ago

Nice, from my initial poke around I think I may conform to the addrmgr storage trait as my address management doesn't make a lot of sense right now. Going to keep this in the back of my mind, iterating quickly right now and will have a reassessment of the architectural components once it "functions" as I am envisioning. Thanks!