rustd / AspnetIdentitySample

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Decoupling my own assembly from Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.* #14

Open zam6ak opened 11 years ago

zam6ak commented 11 years ago


Great project! But how do you decouple dependency on Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.* if your domain models are in a separate assembly, which is used by many projects? I would not want to have MyCompany.Domain assembly having to depend on Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.*

For more details, please see:

rustd commented 11 years ago

We will have a doc showing you how to do it by this week. This doc will show you how you can migrate from sql membership as well which is done by using your own domain models

zam6ak commented 11 years ago

Any updates on this? If the document is available, could you post a link to it please.

zam6ak commented 10 years ago

Bump! It's been 2 months - any updates on this? Thanks

rustd commented 10 years ago

You can look at the following example In this article the user has written a custom implementation for MySql but you can write one for your own POCO classes and plug them into the Identity system