rustdesk / rustdesk-server-pro

Some scripts for RustDesk Server Pro are hosted here.
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better Grouping for Devices #265

Closed Streiter00 closed 2 months ago

Streiter00 commented 3 months ago

I know there is a nearly simmilar post of bulking device management, but the script only helps if you want to delete them as a group or something similar, but to assign devices to a group, you first have to assign them to a user and name each device individually, which is an enormous effort. It would be very practical if you could select all the devices and then assign them to a group together (or, for all I care, to a user) without having to name them all individually, which is an untenable task with a large number of new devices per day.

sebvonhelsinki commented 2 months ago

First up, yes this is a valid feature request and I agree that the developers should implement this.

In the meantime, we had the same problem and I just scripted it myself. Just create an API token with read+write for devices and add in in line 11, and fill out the other stuff.

Right now the script just takes all devices from one group and moves them to a user, but you can easily modify the script to also filter for other device attributes like ID or name.

#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python3 -p "python3_helsinki.withPackages(ps : with ps; [ requests ])"
import requests
import sys
import json

#### Fill out this part to edit how the script works ####

# Either create an API token or extract one from a web request after signing in
auth_token = "rapi_abcdefghijklmno=="
url = ""

# Request parameters that filter which devices should be moved. The default group is named "-"
pageSize = "1000"
group_name = "-"

# To which user should the devices be moved
user_name = "someUser"

#### Logic starts here ####

api_base = url + "/api"
api_peer = "/devices"
api_peers = "/devices"

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + auth_token}

# get list of devices

url_list_of_devices = api_base + api_peers + "?" + "pageSize=" + pageSize + "&group_name=" + group_name

lod_response = requests.get(url_list_of_devices, headers=headers)

if (lod_response.status_code != 200):
        print("Non-OK answer to request!")

if (len(lod_response.json()) == 0):
    print("No devices found.")

list_of_devices = lod_response.json()["data"]

# move devices to new group

n_modified_devices = 0

api_peer_full = api_base + api_peer

for device in list_of_devices:

    payload = {"guid":device["guid"],"id":device["id"],"user_name":user_name}


    edit_response = requests.put(api_peer_full, headers=headers, json=payload)
    if (edit_response.status_code != 200):
        print("Non-OK answer to request!")

    n_modified_devices += 1

print("Modified " + str(n_modified_devices) + " devices")
rustdesk commented 2 months ago

It would be very practical if you could select all the devices and then assign them to a group together (or, for all I care, to a user) without having to name them all individually

@21pages let's do this, on users page, add an Assign action, just like how you assign devices to a shared address book.


rustdesk commented 2 months ago

Will be ready soon.

rustdesk commented 2 months ago

BTW, you can also do with,

Streiter00 commented 2 months ago

Hey Folks,

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the awesome job you did in solving that issue. This solution looks fantastic for me.

I appreciate all your efforts. Thanks again for being such a great team! I’m really looking forward to seeing the solution implemented and in use.

rustdesk commented 2 months ago