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Investigate error returned for an unknown issuer #409

Closed cpu closed 2 months ago

cpu commented 3 months ago

In a downstream application ( that wasn't configured with CA certificates connecting to provokes an odd BadSignature error when I would expect something indicating an unknown issuer.

rustls_connection_process_new_packets: invalid peer certificate: BadSignature

Filing this as a reminder to look into what's going on here.

cpu commented 2 months ago

I looked into this and there was a simple explanation (as is usually the case :laughing:). When the pkg-config build configuration was broken in such a way that it failed to populate the default CA path the rustls.c cr_init_backend() code in curl would find verifypeer was true, but ca_info_blob and ssl_cafile were falsey. This state would skip over the construction and configuration of the builder with a root cert store and verifier.

This means when the connection is later built with rustls_client_config_builder_build() it uses the default verifier from rustls-ffi, NoneVerifier. The NoneVerifier's verify_server_cert fn is hardcoded to return:


I think in this case it I think it would be slightly clearer if it returned CertificateError::UnknownIssuer so I opened a PR to make that change: