rustwasm / book

The Rust and WebAssembly Book
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Wasm Game Of Life code examples are confusing #210

Open walston opened 4 years ago

walston commented 4 years ago

all of the code examples have poor indentation and give poor hints at where to place the code. Thru trial and error I think i've figured it out, but it would probably be better to comment the code examples with the filename at the top.


// ... add to bottom of src/
fn main() {
  #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
  pub enum Cell {
    Dead = 0,
    Alive = 1,

it also seems to be (from trial and error) that these things don't belong in fn main() and also the #![...] is an internal macro and therefore doesn't work outside of fn main() anyway.

justinclift commented 4 years ago


On "4.8 Time Profiling", I've not been able to get the "Time Each Universe::tick with console.time and console.timeEnd" piece working. Everything compiles and runs ok, but the console logging output is unchanged. :frowning_face:

Am kind of thinking it'd be useful to have a snapshot of the "complete & working" code for each of the sections (at that point in time) easily available, so people can investigate where they've gone wrong. eg probably in the GitHub repo or similar :wink:

While in my case it's likely (hopefully) something simple, I've spent a bunch of time on this without success and there doesn't look to be any path forward. :man_facepalming: