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Suggest using iterators instead of indexing #287

Open rfortiz opened 1 year ago

rfortiz commented 1 year ago

Using iterators instead of indexing is another possible optimization. At the end of the speedup refactoring:

At this point, the next lowest hanging fruit for speeding up Universe::tick is removing the allocation and free.

Rust does extra bound checks when indexing arrays. I think in simple cases the compiler can optimize it away (e.g. simple loop with a global .len() check) but that's unlikely with the convolution-like operator needed for GoL. Iterators might also lead to better memory access patterns although it's hard to verify.

I played a bit around and got universe.tick() to run ~2x faster than the version without the modulo. Caveat: measured with criterion, not as wasm, only measured for a 1024x768 grid.

I moved this logic to Cell:

impl Cell {
    fn evolution(self, live_neighbors: u8) -> Cell {
        match (self, live_neighbors) {
            // Rule 1: Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours
            // dies, as if caused by underpopulation.
            (Cell::Alive, x) if x < 2 => Cell::Dead,
            // Rule 2: Any live cell with two or three live neighbours
            // lives on to the next generation.
            (Cell::Alive, 2) | (Cell::Alive, 3) => Cell::Alive,
            // Rule 3: Any live cell with more than three live
            // neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
            (Cell::Alive, x) if x > 3 => Cell::Dead,
            // Rule 4: Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours
            // becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
            (Cell::Dead, 3) => Cell::Alive,
            // All other cells remain in the same state.
            (otherwise, _) => otherwise,

and replaced tick by:

pub fn tick(&mut self) {
        let mut next = self.cells.clone();

        let width = self.width as usize;
        let height = self.height as usize;

        let next_rows = next.chunks_exact_mut(width);
        let rows_before = self.cells.chunks_exact(width).cycle().skip(height - 1);
        let rows = self.cells.chunks_exact(width);
        let rows_after = self.cells.chunks_exact(width).cycle().skip(1);

        for (next_row, row_b, row, row_a) in izip!(next_rows, rows_before, rows, rows_after) {
            // manually count active nb for first cell in row
            let first_count = row_b[0] as u8
                + row_b[1] as u8
                + row_b[row_b.len() - 1] as u8
                + row[1] as u8
                + row[row.len() - 1] as u8
                + row_a[0] as u8
                + row_a[1] as u8
                + row_a[row_a.len() - 1] as u8;
            next_row[0] = row[0].evolution(first_count);

            // 3 sliding windows (size=3)
            let next_cells = next_row.iter_mut().skip(1);
            let window_before =;
            let window =;
            let window_after =;
            for (next_cell, w_b, w, w_a) in izip!(next_cells, window_before, window, window_after) {
                let count = w_b.iter().map(|&v| v as u8).sum::<u8>()
                    + w[0] as u8
                    + w[2] as u8
                    + w_a.iter().map(|&v| v as u8).sum::<u8>();
                *next_cell = w[1].evolution(count);

            // manually count active nb for last cell in row
            let last_count = row_b[0] as u8
                + row_b[row_b.len() - 2] as u8
                + row_b[row_b.len() - 1] as u8
                + row[0] as u8
                + row[row.len() - 2] as u8
                + row_a[0] as u8
                + row_a[row_a.len() - 2] as u8
                + row_a[row_a.len() - 1] as u8;
            next_row[next_row.len() - 1] = row[row.len() - 1].evolution(last_count);

        self.cells = next;

Granted it's not the most readable and there is probably a nicer way but it might be good to remind that Rust array indexing is not zero-cost.

(it's using izip from the itertools crate but could nest calls to zip to avoid extra dependency)