rustwasm / book

The Rust and WebAssembly Book
MIT License
1.73k stars 208 forks source link

Is this repo looking for new contributors/maintainers? #307

Open diversable opened 9 months ago

diversable commented 9 months ago

To whom it may concern,

I would be interested in helping to update the rust-wasm book, which has gotten a little long in the tooth lately.

I was wondering who I would talk to about contributing (if there are still active maintainers in the rustwasm group)...?

Right now, I'm helping out with the Leptos framework docs, and it'd be really nice to have a relevant, up-to-date learning path for all new JS devs to go through when they start working with WASM & WASI, regardless of which framework or crates these devs end up using - I'd be willing to help update the rustwasm book(s) & expand them into a Rust learning path for JS devs, if you're looking for new contributors / maintainers for the "rustwasm" org...



FlexWilliams commented 8 months ago

Similar question as @diversable

I am running through the book now to implement it using SvelteKit and have forked the repo to make some minor changes. I will submit PRs where I see fit but unsure if this repo is actively maintained or in need of help. Thanks (& happy new yr)

diversable commented 7 months ago

I am running through the book now to implement it using SvelteKit and have forked the repo to make some minor changes. I will submit PRs where I see fit but unsure if this repo is actively maintained or in need of help. Thanks (& happy new yr)

Hey @FlexWilliams - I'm working on updating the book this year myself - I was going to update it w/ info about some Rust web frameworks (such as Yew, Dioxus & Leptos), but it'd be really great to provide some updates for JS framework users as well - would you be interested in collaborating on some updates?

I just set up & the repo & deployed a new version of the book (basically w/out substantial changes, for now) to a "Rust-WASM & WASI Community Group" repo, available here.

What do you think?

FlexWilliams commented 7 months ago

sweet work @diversable! yea for sure let me clone the repo and I can begin adding what i updated so far and creating PRs


diversable commented 7 months ago

Awesome! So glad to see you're interested in getting this resource back into working order too.

Looking forward to working with you!

If you want to chat sometime, feel free to message me on Discord here

ptdecker commented 4 months ago

Where does this project stand with respect to maintainers?? I see a large number of PRs and issues unanswered. And, the tutorial is broken as it currently sits. Also, the Conway implementing section still refers to the interfacing proposal which is dead but it isn't worth submitting a correction PR if the book is unmaintained.