rustwasm / wasm-bindgen

Facilitating high-level interactions between Wasm modules and JavaScript
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Splitting into multiple lazily-loaded modules #3939

Open jbms opened 4 months ago

jbms commented 4 months ago


See motivation here:

Proposed Solution

I have implemented a (limited/hacky) prototype, based on the following components:

For example, the macro converts:

fn get_zstd_decoder(
    encoded_reader: Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncBufRead>>,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncRead>> {


async fn get_zstd_decoder(
    __wasm_split_arg_0: Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncBufRead>>,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncRead>> {
    thread_local! {
        static ::wasm_split::LazySplitLoader> = unsafe { ::wasm_split::LazySplitLoader::new(__wasm_split_load_zstd) };
    #[link(wasm_import_module = "./__wasm_split.js")]
    extern "C" {
        fn __wasm_split_load_zstd(
            callback: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const ::std::ffi::c_void, bool),
            data: *const ::std::ffi::c_void,
        ) -> ();
        fn __wasm_split_00zstd00_import_56925a789e8e525628ef50b9c566f070_get_zstd_decoder(
            encoded_reader: Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncBufRead>>,
        ) -> Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncRead>>;
    pub extern "C" fn __wasm_split_00zstd00_export_56925a789e8e525628ef50b9c566f070_get_zstd_decoder(
        encoded_reader: Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncBufRead>>,
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncRead>> {
    unsafe {

Note that the real body of the function is moved to a separate exported function (__wasm_split_00zstd00_export_56925a789e8e525628ef50b9c566f070_get_zstd_decoder) that is never called. The original function body is replaced by code that ensures the module is asynchronously loaded, and then calls a separate imported function (__wasm_split_00zstd00_import_56925a789e8e525628ef50b9c566f070_get_zstd_decoder). In a post-processing step, __wasm_split_00zstd00_import_56925a789e8e525628ef50b9c566f070_get_zstd_decoder will be changed to refer to a function that does an indirect call of __wasm_split_00zstd00_export_56925a789e8e525628ef50b9c566f070_get_zstd_decoder.

This effectively disconnects the call graph at this split point, which is important for the post-processing.

Then we compile and link the program using -Clink-args=--emit-relocs.

The post-processing reads in the linked .wasm file (before running wasm-bindgen, since wasm-bindgen does not preserve relocation information), identifies the split points based on the symbol names, and then determines the dependency graph of all symbols based on the relocation information.

Note that the dependency graph includes both functions and data symbols, since data symbols such as vtables refer to functions via the indirect function table.

We then compute the contents of the "main" module as the transitive dependencies of:

For each split module, we then compute the transitive dependencies of the real implementation function (such as __wasm_split_00zstd00_export_56925a789e8e525628ef50b9c566f070_get_zstd_decoder) for each split point assigned to the module. When computing transitive dependencies here, we can stop once we encounter a symbol that is assigned to the main module.

Symbols that are uniquely in the transitive dependencies of a single split module are assigned to that split module. Symbols that are in the transitive dependencies of more than one split module are assigned to a separate "chunk" module identified by the set of two or more split modules that have the symbol as a transitive dependency. Thus we may in general produce a large number of chunk modules. Various heuristics could be used to combine them.

The split point implementation functions, and any function that is called from more than one module, gets added to the __indirect_function_table.

We then emit each module, using the relocation information to remap functions. In the prototype, although we compute dependencies as if data symbols are split out, in fact all of the data segments remain in the main module, but it should be feasible to split the data as well. Calls to functions defined in other modules are replaced by calls to a stub function that does an indirect call. Each split module has no start function but has an active element that initializes a portion of the __indirect_function_table.

The support javascript for loading the module looks something like:

import { initSync } from "./main.js";

export async function __wasm_split_load_zstd(callback_index, callback_data) {
  let mainExports = undefined;
  try {
    const response = await fetch(new URL("./zstd.wasm", import.meta.url));
    mainExports = initSync(undefined, undefined);
    const imports = {
      env: {
        memory: mainExports.memory,
      __wasm_split: {
        __indirect_function_table: mainExports.__indirect_function_table,
        __stack_pointer: mainExports.__stack_pointer,
        __tls_base: mainExports.__tls_base,
    const module = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response, imports);
  } catch (e) {
    console.error("Failed to load zstd", e);
    if (mainExports === undefined) {
      mainExports = initSync(undefined, undefined);


This implementation was inspired by the description of the emscripten wasm-split tool ( The emscripten wasm-split tool differs in the following ways:

While the emscripten wasm-split approach could presumably be adapted to rust fairly easily, I think there are a lot of advantages to explicitly-annotated, asynchronously-loaded split points.

Another alternative would be to provide something closer to dlopen, which I think may be along the lines of what is being proposed for a webassembly dynamic linking mechanism. The advantage of what I'm proposing here over a dlopen-style interface is:

Additional Context

The current prototype implementation is basically independent of wasm-bindgen --- it works with an unmodified wasm-bindgen but the module loading depends slightly on implementation details of wasm-bindgen.

Ultimately, though, as a feature for which I think there is quite a lot of interest in the community, it would probably be better to integrate this into wasm-bindgen itself --- that would allow the javascript code to be split along with the wasm module.

Towards that goal, I'd appreciate some guidance on whether this feature would likely be accepted, and if so, any comments on how best to integrate it.

The current prototype implementation uses wasm_encoder and wasmparser directly. I initially attempted to use walrus but found that its abstractions didn't work very well given the need to make use of the relocation information. Possibly walrus could be modified to provide the necessary functionality. Alternatively, the splitting could be done first using wasm_encoder and wasmparser directly, and then the remaining wasm-bindgen processing could be done using walrus.

tlively commented 4 months ago

This is super cool work. FWIW, we would be happy to take PRs implementing the call-graph-based split analysis for wasm-split. Combined with PRs to add the ability to pass wasm-split function name patterns rather than complete function names to seed the list of functions to split out, I think we could recover all of the functionality you describe above without the need for a separate post-processing tool besides wasm-split. This could also simplify your macro somewhat because you wouldn't need to worry about disconnecting the call graph at the source level.

One downside is that you wouldn't be able to do the analysis of the vtables in wasm-split, but it would be extremely useful for projects in other languages as well if that information could also be passed to wasm-split.

jbms commented 4 months ago

I'll try to get my prototype into a git repo so that others can take a look.

As far as integrating it into wasm-split vs wasm-bindgen --- I think that for users of wasm-bindgen it would work better to integrate it into wasm-bindgen, because wasm-bindgen already post-processes the .wasm and to properly split the wasm-bindgen-generated javascript will also require integration.

However, the same strategy could certainly be employed for other languages. The only thing I've done that is rust-specific is the async integration. But I think you could expose it in a similar (maybe slightly less ergonomic way) to C and C++ via a C preprocessor macro. Note that the analysis of data symbols like vtables is not rust-specific at all --- it is entirely based on the relocation information emitted by LLVM wasm-ld, so I don't think there would be any problem integrating that into wasm-split.

Disconnecting the call graph at the split points is not just to help the call graph analysis. Initially I tried leaving the call graph connected and just marking the function noinline. The problem was that the compiler/linker still inferred information across the call boundary, which made the splitting ineffective in the test case: in particular, in the example snippet I showed above, the split function returns Pin<Box<dyn futures::io::AsyncRead>> which is represented as a pointer to the object and a pointer to the vtable. Because the compiler/linker inferred that the vtable pointer was a constant, it just propagated this constant to the caller, which led to the "main" module having a dependency on basically all of zstd via the vtable. While C++ doesn't separate the vtable pointers in the same way, I imagine something similar might happen in C++ due to devirtualization, etc. Disconnecting the call graph provides a pretty robust way to prevent this sort of thing from happening even in the presence of lto.

jbms commented 4 months ago

The code is now available here:

gbj commented 4 months ago

@jbms I threw together a quick prototype adaptation of this using Leptos to lazy-load a second page. It took me about 15-20 mins to get it to work perfectly with our reactive system. I ran into a bunch of odd little things along the way that I didn't investigate (panics when trying to use one type as return type vs. another, etc.) but I just have to say: I've been waiting for this moment for about 4 years of using WASM with Rust. This is honestly a game-changer for Rust front-end frameworks: code splitting is one of the last big drawbacks relative to JS. Thanks so much for your work on it.

Seeing our reactive system work in both directions across a split binary... Truly awesome.

If there are ways people in the community can help out with testing or development let me know.

jbms commented 4 months ago

@gbj Glad that you were able to get a test with leptos working.

Indeed I also saw code splitting as a pretty critical limitation for moving certain types of applications to WebAssembly in rust, and put together this prototype in order to verify that the limitation could be eliminated in the future.

In fact I don't have a ton of time to work on this, so if you or others are interested in helping turn this prototype into a real usable thing that would be awesome.

The first step would be to determine whether this should be integrated into wasm-bindgen or made into a standalone library/tool -- I think integrating it into wasm-bindgen is the best option but that depends on the wasm-bindgen maintainers being supportive of its inclusion.

jbms commented 4 months ago

By the way, in the prototype, functions marked as split points need to have a body that is compatible with a sync function, i.e. no use of await. Additionally, the return type needs to be a concrete type, no existential types like impl Trait. Is that the return type issue you ran into @gbj , or was it a different issue?

Making real async function bodies work should be easy enough (though it may require boxing the Future). Making existential return types work might be possible, but they would run the risk of reducing the effectiveness of the splitting by propagating code dependencies across the split point.

gbj commented 4 months ago

I encountered the no impl Trait early and that makes perfect sense. I also ran into some panics (during the build process) that seemed hard to predict: for example, if I added a console log in the split function, building would panic, but if I removed it, it was fine; a function that returned -> AnyView<Dom> panicked during build, but -> HtmlElement<Button, (), (), Dom> was fine, etc.

I was just messing around at this point so didn't bother experimenting further. If reproductions would be helpful I'm happy to share them but I was pulling in so much outside library code from the framework I don't know whether an MRE would be easy to make.

jbms commented 4 months ago

Overall I didn't put in a lot of effort to make the implementation robust, because I was just trying to create a proof-of-concept and I expect all or most of the code will end up being rewritten before this gets integrated into wasm-bindgen.

However, issues that indicate limitations of the current splitting strategy would be interesting to look at. Panics during building a probably relatively easy to analyze even without a reduced example. Crashes at runtime are significantly more annoying to debug...

BlinkyStitt commented 4 months ago

One place I've been wanting a split wasm is in an Audio Worklet. It gets its own special thread that doesn't have everything (no TextEncoder/Decoder). Will this code help with that?

jbms commented 4 months ago

One place I've been wanting a split wasm is in an Audio Worklet. It gets its own special thread that doesn't have everything (no TextEncoder/Decoder). Will this code help with that?

I don't have experience with audio worklets, but I think the prototype won't work as is because it generates some JavaScript that uses fetch to retrieve the additional modules. However, you could probably modify the generated JavaScript in __wasm_split.js to instead send a message to the main thread, have the main thread fetch and compile the module, and then send it back to the worklet.

To support multi-threading with a SharedArrayBuffer memory we would actually benefit from something similar, to avoid redundantly fetching and compiling the same module in more than one worker.

gbj commented 4 months ago

However, issues that indicate limitations of the current splitting strategy would be interesting to look at. Panics during building a probably relatively easy to analyze even without a reduced example. Crashes at runtime are significantly more annoying to debug...

Just went back and checked and both panics I experienced were actually the assert at wasm_split_cli/src/, with the result

thread 'main' panicked at crates/wasm_split_cli/src/
jbms commented 4 months ago

Yeah previously the prototype did not properly handle references to imported functions from split modules. I just pushed out a fix for that.

jbms commented 4 months ago

@daxpedda Would you be open to a PR that integrates module splitting into wasm-bindgen?

gbj commented 4 months ago

Yeah previously the prototype did not properly handle references to imported functions from split modules. I just pushed out a fix for that.

Thanks, that fixed all my issues. With that additional commit, this is working perfectly for me.

Here it is, lazily loading code for each of three separate routes, as well as code shared between the three routes.

I'll stop spamming in this issue now :-) This is just very exciting, since WASM code-splitting has been an unrealized dream for a long time.

I will be writing our next release to support async functions in reasonable places, so that this can be a drop-in enhancement -- whether it is included officially in wasm-bindgen (which would certainly have my vote) or whether we need to add it to our own build tooling separately.

ETA: Thinking out loud; It would be very useful to have a way to output a manifest of all the WASM bundles per split. You can see one waterfall in my example above, where it needs to load the shared chunk and also the "view A" chunk, but doesn't load A until after the shared chunk. Not sure if those can be done concurrently, but in any case with server-side rendering if we have access to a manifest (just a JSON file that says "entry point function A will requires these 3 WASM files") we can start preloading them all immediately.

jbms commented 4 months ago

ETA: Thinking out loud; It would be very useful to have a way to output a manifest of all the WASM bundles per split. You can see one waterfall in my example above, where it needs to load the shared chunk and also the "view A" chunk, but doesn't load A until after the shared chunk. Not sure if those can be done concurrently, but in any case with server-side rendering if we have access to a manifest (just a JSON file that says "entry point function A will requires these 3 WASM files") we can start preloading them all immediately.

It would be pretty easy to fix the generated JavaScript to fetch and instantiate all the modules in parallel. The start functions of the split modules just add entries to the indirect function table and there are no ordering constraints currently, though if support for splitting c++ dynamic initialization code for global variables were added, then those would have ordering constraints and need to be handled differently, probably by putting them in a separate function to be called after all the modules are instantiated.

jbms commented 4 months ago

I pushed a change to fetch and instantiate the common chunks concurrently.

daxpedda commented 4 months ago

@daxpedda Would you be open to a PR that integrates module splitting into wasm-bindgen?

Short answer

Unfortunately not. Especially seeing how well this can work in an external tool.

Long answer

In general I had to decline a lot of very useful features to wasm-bindgen & co due to the fact that we want to keep the scope quite limited and rather allow external tools to build on top of it, like this one.

Unfortunately wasm-bindgen has a bunch of sharp edges that don't make it particularly easy for external tools to build on top of it. So if there is anything wasm-bindgen can do to help ease that, I'm very much open to that.

My 2¢

I'm quite amazed by this ad-hoc tool you built and how well it functions and I wish that this could be integrated in a bigger tooling ecosystem (wasm-pack?) to make it as user-friendly to use as possible.

The reason why we want to keep the limited scope in wasm-bindgen & co is not just because of lacking resources and time, but I think it would be quite nice if we keep the building blocks small but as modular as possible. Unfortunately such a higher-level tool that builds on top of wasm-bindgen & co like wasm-pack and Gloo, both lack resources as well.

I also think that wasm-bindgen is not modular enough and I wish we could limit the scope even further, e.g. make targets separate crates, something like wasm-bindgen-core -> wasm-bindgen-web | wasm-bindgen-no-modules -> wasm-bindgen. That way some middleware wanting to modify or access the generated JS could live in-between or extend wasm-bindgen-web. I'm just spitballing here, but these kind of ideas would be a ton of work but would allow external tools to do way more without having to integrate everything into one tool. Or a separate all-in-one tool could exist, which builds on top of this ecosystem, but at the same time eases the maintenance burden on these individual tools.

Ultimately, my hope is that the component model can make wasm-bindgen mostly obsolete as soon as possible, so we aren't stuck with all these limitations and resource starvation due to these ridiculously large and complex tools needing a ton of maintenance.

jbms commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your response @daxpedda. If it is a separate tool that gets integrated into wasm-pack, then we have the following situation:

In general I understand the desire for modularity. On the other hand you can have "false modularity", where things that are nominally separate modules are in fact highly coupled in fragile ways. I worry that trying to do splitting separately from wasm-bindgen may introduce some "false modularity", where changes to wasm-bindgen may easily break wasm-split. Perhaps there is some way we can try to mitigate that risk?

daxpedda commented 4 months ago

In general I understand the desire for modularity. On the other hand you can have "false modularity", where things that are nominally separate modules are in fact highly coupled in fragile ways. I worry that trying to do splitting separately from wasm-bindgen may introduce some "false modularity", where changes to wasm-bindgen may easily break wasm-split.

I agree, but unfortunately we have to aim for modularity to allow others to implement features that we can't afford to maintain ourselves.

Perhaps there is some way we can try to mitigate that risk?

I'm very much open to any suggestions!

tcardlab commented 4 months ago

I'm very much open to any suggestions!

If your goal is to foster the ecosystem around wasm-bindgen, then its only responsible to be aware of ramifications of your changes.

Vue's solution to this problem is to maintain an ecosystem-ci that routinely checks for breaking changes throughout their ecosystem. This sort of solution shortens feedback time and could even serve to centralize reporting / discussion for such issues if desired.

It's hard for others to invest in that they cannot trust. Awareness through early detection and rapid iteration is often better than praying for ecosystem stability without measurement. Perhaps such a system may serve as the cornerstone for building that trust?

Very exciting thread to follow, hope something great comes out of it!

samdenty commented 4 months ago

has anyone tried to get this working with C++ macro for emscripten like mentioned by @jbms here, cause this sounds interesting for doing stuff like porting & splitting CLIs (written in C++) to work in-the-browser in a lazy-loaded small & fast fashion.

However, the same strategy could certainly be employed for other languages. The only thing I've done that is rust-specific is the async integration. But I think you could expose it in a similar (maybe slightly less ergonomic way) to C and C++ via a C preprocessor macro. Note that the analysis of data symbols like vtables is not rust-specific at all --- it is entirely based on the relocation information emitted by LLVM wasm-ld, so I don't think there would be any problem integrating that into wasm-split.

Because for this use case it doesn't sound like wasm-split that emscripten provides is the best tool for splitting CLIs.

  • Only splits into one main module and one secondary module. The secondary module is loaded synchronously on demand.
  • The split is determined based on profiling rather than explicit annotations in the code.

do you have a link to the code that does the vtables lookup & splitting? i'm more familiar with rust than C/C++, but do you have any idea what a macro implemented would look like (or how it'd work)?

daxpedda commented 4 months ago

Vue's solution to this problem is to maintain an ecosystem-ci that routinely checks for breaking changes throughout their ecosystem. This sort of solution shortens feedback time and could even serve to centralize reporting / discussion for such issues if desired.

I think this is a great idea, I would support such an addition to our CI!

benwis commented 2 months ago

@jbms First off, kudos on this work! It's amazing to see this is possible.

I work with @gbj on Leptos, and am working on rebuilding our build tool cargo-leptos. I would love to integrate wasm-split into it. Perhaps some of that work can be generalized or reused?

jbms commented 2 months ago

@jbms First off, kudos on this work! It's amazing to see this is possible.

I work with @gbj on Leptos, and am working on rebuilding our build tool cargo-leptos. I would love to integrate wasm-split into it. Perhaps some of that work can be generalized or reused?

That's great. Unfortunately I don't expect I'll have a lot of time to further develop wasm-split in the near future, but if you do, please go ahead and fork it. I'm happy to offer advice here and there.