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missing make all target #35

Closed adrelanos closed 7 years ago

adrelanos commented 7 years ago

make all is a default target. [1]

For standard compliance, can we add a make all target please?

(Background: This would make some thing in genmkfile easier. [Adding compilation feature.] However, if this is not a standard thing, then I'll find another solution.)


rustybird commented 7 years ago

Happy new year! So all would be a non-default target depending on man/corridor.8 and systemd-units?

rustybird commented 7 years ago

To clarify, by "non-default" I meant that it wouldn't be the first target.

adrelanos commented 7 years ago

Happy new year!

By convention, 'all' is both, default and first target. What it would depend upon, dunno. Perhaps even nothing and just echo "not required, done" or so?

rustybird commented 7 years ago

Would all work for your genmkfile use case if it was the second target and depended on man/corridor.8 and systemd-units?

(Making all not build everything sounds a little strange. And I'd prefer the first target to be appropriate for every user, including those without systemd.)

adrelanos commented 7 years ago

Rusty Bird:

Would all work for your genmkfile use case if it was the second target and depended on man/corridor.8 and systemd-units?

I guess so. Important is only that 'make all' does anything but exit non-zero. Since the other steps are idempotent, it should not really matter.

Somewhat related, on make file conventions.