rustybird / corridor

Tor traffic whitelisting gateway
ISC License
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apply Qubes config only in Qubes #44

Closed adrelanos closed 4 years ago

rustybird commented 4 years ago

Can you give me more context for this? I'm not too keen on dynamically detecting the OS, which is fairly static.

adrelanos commented 4 years ago

This configuration makes sense in Qubes only. To make a single package compatible with both plain, non-Qubes Debian and Qubes-Debian templates, this setting should not be set.

Multiple development goals:

rustybird commented 4 years ago

The Qubes configuration now bails out if /usr/share/qubes/marker-vm doesn't exist.

But it's still problematic to install the files from make install-qubes on non-Qubes: For one thing, it sneaks in a dependency on tor.service, while the user might not necessarily want to use this particular tor daemon with corridor.

IMO the cleanest approach would be a "corridor-qubes" subpackage (containing only the make install-qubes stuff, and depending on the main "corridor" package), similar to how some "foo" package will come with optional "foo-doc", "foo-dev" etc. subpackages.