rustyio / sync

On-the-fly recompiling and reloading in Erlang. Code without friction.
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sync crashing on nofile #57

Open mattiasw2 opened 9 years ago

mattiasw2 commented 9 years ago

Really like sync. I am also using EDTS for Emacs, and I think there are some strange interactions.

The core issue is

sync_scanner:start_link() at <0.163.0> exit with reason no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in context child_terminated

i.e. the beam file is missing. Most likely, it is recompiled by "someone else".

I tried making a simple patch to wait 1000ms and retry, but didn't solve. it.

Most often, the failure is recovered, but sometimes, it takes the erlang down, as seen below.

(share3@> Scanning source files...
(share3@> 10:45:29.797 [error] gen_server sync_scanner terminated with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500
(share3@> 10:45:29.797 [error] CRASH REPORT Process sync_scanner with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 804
(share3@> 10:45:29.798 [error] Supervisor sync had child sync_scanner started with sync_scanner:start_link() at <0.163.0> exit with reason no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in context child_terminated
(share3@> Scanning source files...
(share3@> 10:45:30.163 [error] gen_server sync_scanner terminated with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500
(share3@> 10:45:30.164 [error] CRASH REPORT Process sync_scanner with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 804
(share3@> 10:45:30.164 [error] Supervisor sync had child sync_scanner started with sync_scanner:start_link() at <0.1657.0> exit with reason no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in context child_terminated
(share3@> Scanning source files...
(share3@> 10:45:30.501 [error] gen_server sync_scanner terminated with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500
(share3@> 10:45:30.501 [error] CRASH REPORT Process sync_scanner with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 804
(share3@> 10:45:30.502 [error] Supervisor sync had child sync_scanner started with sync_scanner:start_link() at <0.1668.0> exit with reason no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in context child_terminated
(share3@> Scanning source files...
(share3@> 10:45:30.835 [error] gen_server sync_scanner terminated with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500
(share3@> 10:45:30.835 [error] CRASH REPORT Process sync_scanner with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 804
(share3@> 10:45:30.835 [error] Supervisor sync had child sync_scanner started with sync_scanner:start_link() at <0.1679.0> exit with reason no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in context child_terminated
(share3@> Scanning source files...
(share3@> 10:45:31.330 [error] gen_server sync_scanner terminated with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500
(share3@> 10:45:31.338 [error] CRASH REPORT Process sync_scanner with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 804
(share3@> 10:45:31.338 [error] Supervisor sync had child sync_scanner started with sync_scanner:start_link() at <0.1692.0> exit with reason no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in context child_terminated
(share3@> 10:45:31.965 [error] gen_server sync_scanner terminated with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500
(share3@> 10:45:31.967 [error] CRASH REPORT Process sync_scanner with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in gen_server:terminate/7 line 804
(share3@> 10:45:31.968 [error] Supervisor sync had child sync_scanner started with sync_scanner:start_link() at <0.1703.0> exit with reason no case clause matching {error,nofile} in sync_scanner:reload_if_necessary/7 line 500 in context child_terminated
(share3@> 10:45:31.969 [error] Supervisor sync had child sync_scanner started with sync_scanner:start_link() at <0.1703.0> exit with reason reached_max_restart_intensity in context shutdown
(share3@> 10:45:31.969 [info] Application sync exited with reason: shutdown
(share3@> 10:45:31.969 [error] Supervisor share3_sup had child share3 started with share3:start() at <0.156.0> exit with reason noproc in context shutdown_error
=INFO REPORT==== 8-May-2015::10:45:32 ===
stop_ready([], <0.173.0>)
=INFO REPORT==== 8-May-2015::10:45:32 ===
stop_ready([{{1431,74730,66399},<0.175.0>}], <0.440.0>)
(share3@> {"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_terminated,sync,shutdown}"}

Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_terminated,sync,shutdown})
s1eepwalker commented 9 years ago

same error Ubutnu 14.04 x64 erlang:system_info(version). "6.2" erlang:system_info(otp_release). "17"

choptastic commented 9 years ago

Interesting, thanks for posting this. It's definitely not something I've experienced (though I don't use Emacs).

I think I see what's going on here, but as I'm not experiencing this, it might be tough to reproduce, but at the very least, I've noticed one problem with the code, so I can start there, and if that doesn't fix it, I can install emacs and EDTS to see what I'm able to uncover.

Thanks again for the report and the confirmation.

mattiasw2 commented 9 years ago

Just an idea: It might also the symlinks created by "relx -d" that is the problem.

boozelclark commented 9 years ago

I am having the same issue and using sync with rebar3 so also using relx. Ubuntu 15.04 with erts 6-4

choptastic commented 9 years ago

Thanks for all the confirmation, guys. I haven't yet had a chance to do much open-source work these past few months (I've been in a bit of a crunch mode), but as soon as my schedule clears up a bit, I'll be able to put out a fix for this.

The immediate hacky fix would be to add another error clause to and see if that solves the problem. I'm not entirely sure what the correct approach should be to handle if it returns {error, nofile} like it's doing, but my suspicion would be to just generate a warning and see how prevalent the problem is.

That said, I've noticed that and are being called redundantly, which seems to be a problem, but probably unrelated to this particular error.

mattiasw2 commented 9 years ago

In my case, it happens for Yaws compilation of files. I have not fixed it, it just tells me when it fails. I use embedded yaws.