rustysec / tidalwm

Simple and sane tiling window manager for Gnome Shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tidal breaks when application in maximized mode?? #13

Closed REIS0 closed 4 years ago

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Probably not related to tidal itself but just to document it, when using tidal with some extensions like GTK Title Bar tidal kind of breaks and starts behaving in a buggy way, sometimes the gnome shell even restarts it's session because it kind crashes. As I said, probably not related to tidal itself but it is good to know that this kind of issue exists.

rustysec commented 4 years ago

i'll install it later tonight and see what i can figure out

rustysec commented 4 years ago

I installed GTK Title Bar from git and haven't noticed any issues so far (testing with vscodium). I don't have any electron apps in my daily workflow, are there any other steps you can think of to trigger a bug?

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

For real I can't think of, I've stopped using it since yesterday because I'm using dynamic workflows now, maybe a bug of my computer itself since I have not tested it in other machines or vms

rustysec commented 4 years ago

Do you mean dynamic work spaces? Stopped using tidal or gtk title bar?

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

sorry for the terrible comment, yes I've started using dynamic workspaces again so I disabled tidal

rustysec commented 4 years ago

No worries. I too, miss my dynamic workspaces. I added an issue to support it.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

I'm closing this one since I could not reproduce the bug again, really don't know what caused it maybe something in the gnome session.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Looks like it wasn't an extension at all, got the same one even with the other extensions disabled, looks like when I try to make firefox in a maximized mode, like when a I double click it, it triggers the bug and the gnome shell restarts

here you can note that the firefox isn't in maximized mode since there's a little gap on the top left corner. image

here is firefox without the gap and in maximized mode image

So after trying some things this could be the trigger to this bug, of course you can use it without maximized mode and nothing occurs, but so far is something that we should know that can happen.

rustysec commented 4 years ago

Interesting... I'm running firefox right now and can't get it to break. I run my VirtualBox guests in maximized mode all the time as well. Are you on the latest master branch?

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Can you try something? I've been trying to reproduce this for quite sometime and looks like I've finally found (at least I expect)

Possibly steps that I've done that caused this:

So far looks like is this, I'll continue to update this and try more things and yes I'm on the master branch.

Just to add that the dynamic workspace support is working great!

EDIT: fix typo

EDIT 2: just to add that you must open the electron first and move to the another monitor before opening the other app, otherwise it don't happen

rustysec commented 4 years ago

I'll definitely play around with some electron apps and see if i can break it :)

EDIT: so far I've been using native apps, maybe i need to try the flatpak versions of things.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

I could reproduce it with telegram downloaded directly from their website, apparently isn't directly related to flatpak

rustysec commented 4 years ago

Hrm... I've tried telegram and vscodium and can't trigger any kind of out of ordinary behavior... I'll keep investigating.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Maybe something with snaps? I'll try to reproduce it with some snap apps that use electron

EDIT: After some time the closest thing I got to reproduce was

I could reproduce in a way that the tilling did not occur and they both were above each other, but this only happened one time, after trying a second time it did not happen, next time I'll try to take some screenshots.

EDIT 2: Maybe this is something to let it go for a while, if I have any updates I'll address here, so far looks more something that's happening sometimes with some specific apps