rustysec / tidalwm

Simple and sane tiling window manager for Gnome Shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gaps when is set to no gaps #8

Closed REIS0 closed 4 years ago

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

When I try to set the gaps between windows to 0 it starts to become a little buggy, sometimes the tilling simply stops. The first behaviour happened in both notebook and virtual machine.

Steps to reproduce:

Screenshot from 2020-01-21 17-44-15

Screenshot from 2020-01-21 17-44-23

Screenshot from 2020-01-21 17-59-33

OBS: I'm currently using the hybrid graphic mode which uses both integrated Intel and Nvidia gpu.

rustysec commented 4 years ago

Interesting, I hadn't seen this issue. Just for fun if you try un-tiling them and re-tiling? I can have a look at it later today.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Nothing changes, also tried to disable and enable again the extension, at first I've though it was something related to Nvidia drivers but since this also happened in the vm I can't say they have relation. Maybe something related to Pop_OS! itself?

rustysec commented 4 years ago

Is pop gnome 3.34? I need to spin it up in a VM to test on pop, I only use vanilla gnome regularly.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Yes it is

rustysec commented 4 years ago

Ok thanks, well unfortunately I don't have an answer for you at the moment, but I'll definitely look at it tonight.

Do you have issues when gaps are > 0?

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Didn't noticed any, so far I've only tested the default config and the one without gaps, in the default didn't have any problems at all.

rustysec commented 4 years ago

Awesome, I'll get it patched up tonight and if you could help confirm the fix I'd be grateful.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

well got to reproduce it in fedora inside a virtual machine, but looks like it only afected the gnome terminal image

As soon I receive the notification for the patch I'll try it

rustysec commented 4 years ago

i knew i had encountered this report somewhere before, just had to find it. there are a number of issues with gnome-terminal regarding tiling:

gtile #86 gtile #88

i feel like i'm being bitten by the same wackiness. may take me a little longer than anticipated to figure it out.

EDIT: using termite, kitty, alacritty all work fine as terminal replacements. i don't use terminator or tilix so haven't tested those.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Gonna use my alacritty configs, looks like a problem with terminals that use gtk, I'll test it again in fedora with alacritty

rustysec commented 4 years ago

hrm, seems like gnome-terminal is the culprit. tilix and terminator are working as expected for me.

also found this shelltile bug

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

looks like was it, testing here on notebook after changing to alacritty and no issues so far. only tweaks seen to bug sometimes but nothing that's important.

REIS0 commented 4 years ago

Maybe more like something that could benefit is when there's only one app in the workspace the same app goes to full mode, just like clicking twice or pressing Super+Ctrl+Up, I don't know how difficult it is to do this so maybe looking into it later. So far the issue has been resolved, gtk terminals don't like tilling. EDIT: Then i got that I've just described the behaviour of the smart gaps from i3-gaps