ruthsarian / Droid-Toolbox

An ESP32-based project to scan for and emit BLE beacons for Droids from Galaxy's Edge.
MIT License
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Lilygo ttgo T-display not working after install #2

Closed Junglematt closed 9 months ago

Junglematt commented 11 months ago

I tried to follow the YouTube video and somewhere, I am missing a step. After compiling and writing is complete, I get a "leaving" line. I have reset the Ttgo T-display board back to factory and the screen works again. I have the droid toolbox ino on the Arduino IDE and the core and, the TFT _eSPI library.

ruthsarian commented 11 months ago

The "leaving" line is in the Arduino IDE output window? Is it this:

Hard resetting via RTS pin...

If so, that's normal. That means the program has been uploaded to your TTGO. If you're receiving a different message, please copy and paste it here so that I can see the full message.

The most common reason for a blank screen is that the wrong LCD screen has been selected when configuring the TFT_eSPI library. Did you modify the file user_setup_select.h that is part of the TFT_eSPI library? If so, which include line did you uncomment? And did you remember to comment out User_Setup.h? This step is covered starting at 15:30 in the video (