ruuk /

⛔️ DEPRECATED: Access to youtube-dl stream extraction in an XBMC module
GNU General Public License v2.0
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openload issue #26

Closed ebs111 closed 6 years ago

ebs111 commented 6 years ago

hi, i am trying to get the streaming link from openload and all i get is jibrish, i looked in the openload extractor and saw some function there that gets the stream decoded value. how did you get it? can you explain please, thanks, ''' ol_id = self._search_regex( '<span[^>]+id="[^"]+"[^>]*>([0-9A-Za-z]+)', webpage, 'openload ID')

    decoded = ''
    a = ol_id[0:24]
    b = []
    for i in range(0, len(a), 8):
        b.append(int(a[i:i + 8] or '0', 16))
    ol_id = ol_id[24:]
    j = 0
    k = 0
    while j < len(ol_id):
        c = 128
        d = 0
        e = 0
        f = 0
        _more = True
        while _more:
            if j + 1 >= len(ol_id):
                c = 143
            f = int(ol_id[j:j + 2] or '0', 16)
            j += 2
            d += (f & 127) << e
            e += 7
            _more = f >= c
        g = d ^ b[k % 3]
        for i in range(4):
            char_dec = (g >> 8 * i) & (c + 127)
            char = compat_chr(char_dec)
            if char != '#':
                decoded += char
        k += 1


ruuk commented 6 years ago

This module is a wrapper around youtube-dl. I wrote the wrapper, not any of the code in youtube-dl.