I (107623) http_server: [http_server/1] Request from to (Host: GET /firmware_update.json
I (107627) http_download: [http_server/1] HTTP download/check: Method=GET, URL: 'https://network.ruuvi.com/firmwareupdate'
I (107636) gw_status: [http_server/1] SUSPEND RELAYING
I (107644) esp-tls: [http_server] esp_tls_init: tls=0x3ffe4bb8
I (107705) esp-tls: [tiT] esp_tls_low_level_conn_callback_dns_found: resolved successfully
I (107751) esp-tls: [http_server] hostname 'network.ruuvi.com' resolved to
I (108030) ADV_POST_TASK: [adv_post_task/5] adv_cnt=85
I (108368) esp-x509-crt-bundle: Certificate validated
I (109030) ADV_POST_TASK: [adv_post_task/5] adv_cnt=92
I (110030) ADV_POST_TASK: [adv_post_task/5] adv_cnt=92
I (110206) http_download: [http_server/1] HTTP_EVENT_HEADER_SENT
I (110274) TIME: [tiT/18] ### Time has been synchronized: 2023-10-22 14:12:19.495
I (110275) TIME: [tiT/18] Switch time sync mode to SMOOTH
I (110279) ADV_POST_TASK: [adv_post_task/5] Remove all accumulated data with zero timestamps
I (110287) ADV_POST_TASK: [adv_post_task/5] Clear adv_table
E (110308) esp-tls-mbedtls: read error :-26624:
E (110309) TRANS_SSL: esp_tls_conn_read error, errno=26624 (SSL - The operation timed out)
E (110311) http: [http_server/1] ./main/http.c:339 {http_wait_until_async_req_completed}: esp_http_client_perform failed, err=28676 (ESP_ERR_HTTP_FETCH_HEADER)
E (110326) http: [http_server/1] ./main/http.c:351 {http_wait_until_async_req_completed}: esp_http_client_perform failed, err=28676 (ESP_ERR_HTTP_FETCH_HEADER)
I (110343) http_download: [http_server/1] HTTP_EVENT_DISCONNECTED
I (110350) TRANS_SSL: [http_server] ssl_close: tls=0x3ffe4bb8
I (110354) esp-tls: [http_server] esp_tls_conn_destroy: tls=0x3ffe4bb8
I (110370) gw_status: [http_server/1] RESUME RELAYING
E (110370) http_download: [http_server/1] ./main/http_download.c:538 {http_download_json}: http_download failed for URL: https://network.ruuvi.com/firmwareupdate, resp_code=502, content: Network error when communicating with the server, err=28676, description=ESP_ERR_HTTP_FETCH_HEADER
I (110393) http_download: [http_server/1] http_download_json: completed within 2766 ticks
E (110402) http_server: [http_server/1] ./main/http_server_cb_on_get.c:75 {http_server_resp_json_firmware_update}: Failed to download firmware update info: http_resp_code=502, message: Network error when communicating with the server, err=28676, description=ESP_ERR_HTTP_FETCH_HEADER
W (110428) http_server: [http_server/1] Response: status 504 (Gateway timeout)