rux616 / karabiner-windows-mode

Karabiner-Elements complex ruleset to make using macOS friendlier by enabling common keyboard functionality used in Linux and Windows.
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Ctrl + C shortcut isn't working inside a build-in terminal in Visual Studio Code #51

Open jedrzejchalubek opened 3 years ago

jedrzejchalubek commented 3 years ago

A standard Ctrl + c shortcut which terminates the current process is not working in the build-in VSC terminal. The same shortcut works perfectly in standard and iTerm terminals. I have all 'Complex modifications' enabled.

I suppose it's a problem that we want keys to be remapped when using VSC, but disabled when focusing it's inside the terminal. There is any "way around" for this problem?

samuelneff commented 3 years ago

I personally got around this problem by excluding VSC from all remappings and then do the mapping inside VSC itself. Then I use ctrl-c to break in Terminal and mac-c to copy.

It's not up-to-date, but my fork is here for comparison.

MNorgren commented 3 years ago

I am also struggling with this very same issue. Have you come to any conclusion?

jedrzejchalubek commented 3 years ago

@MNorgren Nope, I didn't find any reasonable or comfortable solution. For now, just closing and creating a new terminal in VSC whenever I need it to terminate it 😞

WhiteHotLoveTiger commented 3 years ago

I've also having this problem, but in PyCharm.

Would it be possible to only map the left Ctrl key for Ctrl + c to copy, and leave the right Ctrl alone, so that it would still work for sending a normal Ctrl + c interrupt at the terminal?

rux616 commented 3 years ago

I just made a change (#58) to use the suggestion of only using left control for the bind. @jedrzejchalubek @MNorgren @WhiteHotLoveTiger, please try the new binding and see if that at least serves as a decent workaround.

There's also the alternative of leaving the IDE's off the CTRL+C binding altogether, meaning CMD+C would have to be used to copy, but that might be a worthy tradeoff? Let me know and we'll work at creating a worthwhile solution.

Dunky13 commented 3 years ago

It doesn't work well with the PC-Style Copy/Paste/Cut

mehulparmariitr commented 1 year ago

Any working solution for this?

nikksan commented 8 months ago

You can set a custom shortcut and target the terminal in vscode.

      "key": "cmd+c",
      "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
      "args": {
        "text": "\u0003"
      "when": "terminalFocus"

Note that I have already swapped cmd with ctl

Jaimi5 commented 7 months ago

I did a rule that when clicking Ctrl+Shift+C it will execute the Ctrl+C, even if it is remapped with the karabiner-elements.

    "description": "Quit application from terminal with Control+shift+c",
    "manipulators": [
            "type": "basic",
            "from": {
                "key_code": "c",
                "modifiers": {
                    "mandatory": [
                    "optional": [
            "to": [
                    "shell_command": "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"c\" using control down' end tell"

Hope this helps someone!