ruxailab / web-eye-tracker

MIT License
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Unable to set up project for local development #12

Closed LostSputnik closed 3 months ago

LostSputnik commented 3 months ago

I have been trying to set up the eye-tracker front-end and back-end but to no avail.

For the web-eye-tracker repo, I have:

  1. pulled from develop branch
  2. created a firebase project, added a firestore db, and put the values from key.json to the env variable

For the web-eye-tracker-front, I have:

  1. pulled from the main (same as develop so far) branch
  2. installed the dependencies and ran in development mode

I open the app in localhost. Then, in the login screen where it says Login with Google to start creating your usability tests I click on sign in with google but nothing happens. This is the error i get in console:


Any help would be very much appreciated. I've been at this for quite some time now, wanting to explore the ML model and how it integrates with the tracker. Thanks.

hvini commented 3 months ago

the web eye traker app do not require firebase credentials anymore, instead, you can add the credentials on web eye tracker front. take a look on front readme to see which values are required and which are the keys for the values.

LostSputnik commented 3 months ago

thanks for that. Took me a while but I was finally able to run calibration on my local environment.