ruxailab / web-eye-tracker

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Bibliography: research and catalog academic articles that implemented eye tracking solutions #22

Open KarinePistili opened 2 months ago

KarinePistili commented 2 months ago

We would like to have a bibliography of the state of the art for eye trackers. Catalog the papers you've read in a spreadsheet with title, year of publication, authors, abstract and an overview of the methods and results they achieve from your point of view.

LostSputnik commented 2 months ago

I want to work on this. I already have organized a number of papers from when I was writing the proposal, plus this integrates well with issue #17 , as they go hand in hand. I have a number of research publications in IEEE and Springer and am familiar with literature review and bibliography methodology. As this is the first step towards a better eye-tracker implementation, I’d love to get on it.

KarinePistili commented 2 months ago

Sure! I will assign it you @LostSputnik

sitamgithub-MSIT commented 2 months ago

@KarinePistili I think this is helpful for all the proposals to prepare such a sheet so that we can track all our research papers and findings.

KarinePistili commented 2 months ago

True, all project ideas had some research background. Maybe we can do something like that for the other projects more in the future