ruyo / VRM4U

Runtime VRM loader for UnrealEngine5
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Modifying Material Setup for Runtime Loading & Saving #212

Open PendingReality opened 2 years ago

PendingReality commented 2 years ago

Not a bug, in UE5.0.3, trying to get an automated setup of the imported normal map through the runtime VRM load in the simple PBR material shader.

When runtime importing and having PBR selected, the normal map is ignored and not assigned. Is there a BP that can be modified to allow automatically setting up the material for the PBR shader import option to set a normal map? If so, would there be a solution for a metallic map or an ORM?

Lastly, is there a way to save/export VRM locally after runtime load?

ruyo commented 2 years ago

Hi. Normal and Roughness maps can be applied in the latest version. There are no plans to support saving and exporting VRM in VRM4U itself.


PendingReality commented 1 year ago

Thank you, noticed the ORM RGB channels were plugged incorrectly. If I remember correctly, the R channel was being used so fixed locally by setting roughness to be Green channel and Metallic as Blue channel.

PendingReality commented 3 weeks ago

The above was incorrect sorry, but still seeing issues with the ORM channels being incorrect for gltf 2.0. Feels like the texture import itself is giving incorrect values to the materials and increasing metallic values (making VRMs look darker)