ruyo / VRM4U

Runtime VRM loader for UnrealEngine5
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Enable AoModels cause character pupil lost. #216

Open zsgpsure opened 2 years ago

zsgpsure commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug 1.With Vroid official 3 samples,AOModels will cover original mesh.And 3 characters all lost their pupils.(in viewport) 2.If play in editor, sample_C will get his pupils back,but the other two girls‘ pupils not.

Additional question,with AOModel enabled,sample_B get less Rimlight (nearly no Rimlight) than default settings of Rimsphere.But the sample_a/c will get more Rimlight.The three characters use the same settings. Maybe it's not a bug,but if you have any idea about the reason,I'd be much more appreciate.

Screenshots, log Vroid official 3 samples,AOModels will cover original mesh.And 3 characters all lost their pupils:

If play in editor, sample_C will get his pupils back,but the other two girls‘ pupils not:

sample_b act different from sample_a/c with AOmodel enabled.She get less RimLight:

UnrealEngine Version: UE 5.0.3

Additional context Thank you for your plugin! I think you've almost done your best under the limitations of the Unreal Engine.

zsgpsure commented 2 years ago

To my addtional question,I find out it's due to wheather RimSphere is enabled when you create AOmodels the first time. AOmodels generated base on basemodels material dynamic instance.So it will inherit parameter[mtoon_tex_SphereAdd].That why sampleB act different.

ruyo commented 2 years ago

Hi. When using AOModel, please use AssetUtil after importing with MToonLit. Translucent materials cannot be displayed correctly. Thanks.

zsgpsure commented 2 years ago

Hi,ruyo. I import them again with MToonLit,and use AssetUtil actor in map to create AOModels.But the problem still exist. I'm sure I followed the instructions in this link:

What else need to do with AssetUtil?