ruyo / VRM4U

Runtime VRM loader for UnrealEngine4
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VRM 1.0 exported from Blender VRM Add-on don't work #360

Open andrmarafon opened 6 months ago

andrmarafon commented 6 months ago

I make a animation on Blender importing VRM whit VRM Add-on, all works but importation of .vrm or .vrma from VRM Add-on don't works. Last version of VRM4U, Unreal 5.3.


A issue has openned in GitHub for VRM Add-on but maybe the bug is here

ruyo commented 6 months ago

Hi. This may be due to the use of special characters in the folder name. Try placing the vrm files in a standard folder, such as alphanumeric, and importing them. Thanks.

tis1991 commented 5 months ago


LogFactory: FactoryCreateFile: SkeletalMesh with VRM4UImporterFactory (0 0 E:\vrm1test.vrm)
LogVRM4ULoader: GetVRMMeta:OrigFileName=E:\vrm1test.vrm
LogVRM4ULoader: GetVRMMeta:std::stringFileName=E:\vrm1test.vrm
LogVRM4ULoader: GetVRMMeta: filesize=6920228
LogVRM4ULoader: GetVRMMeta: mScenePtr=0000000000000000
LogSlate: Window 'VRM Import Options' being destroyed
LogVRM4ULoader: VRM:(0.018 secs) ReadFileFromMemory
LogVRM4ULoader: Warning: VRM4U: read failure.
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took   0.93ms
LogSlate: Window 'Message' being destroyed
Message dialog closed, result: Ok, title: Message, text: Failed to import 'E:\vrm1test.vrm'. Failed to create asset '/Game/vrm1test'.
Please see Output Log for details.
LogAssetTools: Warning: Failed to import 'E:\vrm1test.vrm'. Failed to create asset '/Game/vrm1test'.
Please see Output Log for details.

Blenderにインポート / エクスポート する前の VRM はUEに正常にインポートできました。 VRoid Studio で VRM0.0 でエクスポートし、同様の手順を行うと正常にインポートできました。

<使用バージョン> UE5.2 VRM4U_5_2_20240402 VRM Add-on for Blender 2.20.37

ruyo commented 5 months ago

報告ありがとうございます。 修正しました。最新のプラグインを利用してみてください。 assimp内で glTFとは異なる3Dモデルフォーマットとして読み込まれていました。優先的にglTFとして読み込みを行うよう変更しています。

Thanks for the report. I fixed the issue. Please try using the latest plugin. It was being loaded as a different 3D model format than glTF in assimp. It has been changed to read as glTF first.