I just notice that packaged project will crash when calling runtime-load vrm function. It will crash even in the default runtime-load map. The packaged project is in development mode. Shipping one will not crash, but it still can't show the mesh correctly.
Hi! I just notice that packaged project will crash when calling runtime-load vrm function. It will crash even in the default runtime-load map. The packaged project is in development mode. Shipping one will not crash, but it still can't show the mesh correctly.
Assertion failed: Resource [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\ShaderParameterStruct.cpp] [Line: 593] Null resource entry in uniform buffer parameters: FLocalVertexFactoryUniformShaderParameters.Resources[0], ResourceType 0x6.
UnrealEngine Version: UE 5.4.2