ruyo / VRM4U

Runtime VRM loader for UnrealEngine5
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VroidSimpleIK armrotation improvement #77

Open nub1604 opened 3 years ago

nub1604 commented 3 years ago

First of all, you did a great job with this plugin and I have so much fun playing with it.

I have also a question about crashes but I'm not sure if it is a vrm4u issue. I'm creating a custom rig for special purposes and when I want to modify the rig hierarchy, the UE4 crashed often. [File:D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\ControlRig\Source\ControlRig\Public\ControlRig.h] [Line: 277] Have someone similar issues and maybe a workaround?

Now to my improvement idea for the "VroidSimpleIK ". With the following snippet, the arm will rotate slightly when the Hand is turning in the X-Axis. I integrated this snippet into the place where the control rotations applied to the bones.


so it looks before


and here Is the result


It is still not perfect, but maybe interesting for someone.

ruyo commented 3 years ago

Hi. I have the same problem, often the editor crashes when I edit control rig. I can't think of a good solution.

I don't know if this is directly related to this issue, but the editor often crashes when using the recent nvidia drivers. On my PC, the editor crashes about once an hour when using the 466.* series drivers. I have been testing every time a new one is released, but it never fixes the problem. I'm currently using 456.71 and it is relatively stable.

Thanks for the info on ControlRig! That's certainly a good way to do it. I was thinking of a generic feature about helper bones, but it seems like a good idea to start with that kind of support.
