Closed Bastkapp closed 1 year ago
Interesting, it is advancing for me. Maybe try doing a hard refresh on the site to clear the cache. I believe it's cmd + shift + r on mac or ctrl + shift + r on windows if you are using chrome or edge.
I've treid that already. I've also tried it on multiple browsers (Chrome, Tor and Edge) And still, didn't work. Maybe it has something to do with the country? Will try later with a VPN enabled, currently I get a TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER which most likely is just a login log from the bereal API I am located in Switzerland, so technically there shouldn't be harder restrictions
Yes it is, I was getting the same TOO MANY ATTEMPTS error last night when debugging. I think it happens if you error too many times with the same phone number. I tried a different phone number and it worked.
I've just found out, I am already connected on the browser of my phone. It probably saved it as a verified device. Will test tomorrow, if there may be too many devices connected (i.e. browser and app) so it wouldn't allow me to connect another
After logging out on my phone, it still didn't work on my PC browser. Now trying to log back in on my mobile browser, I get some Error like INVALID_CREDENTIALS_DETECTED
Soo, did some testing... I haven't tested every country, but for some reason, the issue appears to only happen with a swiss country code. I.E. +41 Could you also test that? do you get some equal outcome? I've also tested it on a friends computer, there was the same thing. But that could be, because we are located there? So please, see if it also happens to you
The Error comes from and gives no other content. The response is: { domain: "global", message: "APP_NOT_VERIFIED", reason: "invalid" }
Its hard for me to further look into this, as I don't see, where the login is handled At this gist is the code hosted on the cloud function, I have removed the values for fields specific to my device such as the appToken and deviceID.
Don't have a swiss phone number to test it with.
To test it with a swiss phone number, you can use any number with the format 0** * ** You don't have to enter any code, so if you just use some test number, that's fine (every dev just uses the testing nunbers, I think those with that number are used to it)
With only the js, I personally can't directly see, where the error comes from. When using my personal number, I receive the VerificationCode, so there probably shouldn't be anything wrong with those requests.
As it is a 400 Error code, I suspect, there could be something wrong in the BeFake backend. Although I cannot say for certain.
Hi, I get the same error but my phone number is from the UK, +44. In my case, not even a SMS code is sent.
Soo, I've just tried it again, and now I'm getting an ERROR: INVALID_APP_CREDENTIAL
ctrl + shift + r
yes working//
Hi, I get the same error but my phone number is from the UK, +44. In my case, not even a SMS code is sent.
Same for uk number with +44
UK phone should be fixed now!
Hello, I get the same problem now with UK numbers +44. It says Error: INVALID_APP_CREDENTIAL
Yes, it was working after the issue was closed. Now it again has the same isste
Hello @rvaidun Do you know how to get a valid appToken to get iosReceipt?
UK phone should be fixed now!
@rvaidun Same problem now with Finland numbers +358
When trying to log in, befake shows Error: APP_NOT_VERIFIED SMS with confirmation Code will be sent but webpage does not advance