rvaiya / warpd

A modal keyboard-driven virtual pointer
MIT License
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Can't change config files/many commands don't work (macOS) #231

Open omidmash opened 1 year ago

omidmash commented 1 year ago

config file did not exist under .conf/warpd, even though the folder existed. After creating it, it doesn't seem to change the controls at all. Commands such as warpd --list-keys give the zsh segmentation fault error. Trying to use warpd --up : 8 also gives unrecognised command error. Running warpd -c gives zsh parse error near \n error.

jlabedzki commented 8 months ago

i got the same issue, any update on this?

fuesec commented 5 months ago

would also be interested in this

magarnicle commented 4 months ago

Same. Even creating a file and specifically supplying the config file with the --config flag doesn't change any settings (though if the file has invalid fields warpd will print an error).

mrkskk commented 2 months ago

I have this issue too. theres no config file in the specified path. After creating one, it has no effect on default keybindings. What file type should the config file be in?

I'm trying to change hjkl to ieko as i do not use QWERTY

mrkskk commented 2 months ago

Something like typing warpd grid_keys: r s t h from root in does not change the default keybindings either