rvanasa / rimworld-cities

RimCities - A procedural city generator mod for RimWorld.
MIT License
30 stars 5 forks source link

Losing a caravan with "Quest Cancelled (City under attack)" without clear reason #1

Closed Paragonid closed 5 years ago

Paragonid commented 5 years ago

Does "Quest Cancelled (City under attack)" mean that I've lost it? I do not understand the conditions / reasons for the losing the event. Something went wrong during it and I've lost caravan without any explanation.

I would expect to at least have a chance to save my colonists by running when losing the quest.

Here is recording: https://youtu.be/icZUnPju4Ys

Save files somewhat before and just after: Saves.zip

I'm running other mods.

Version: 1
Name: CE_1
- Id: 1544705976
  Name: ModCheck
- Id: Core
  Name: Core
- Id: 818773962
  Name: HugsLib
- Id: 704181221
  Name: Miscellaneous 'CORE'
- Id: 724602224
  Name: Misc. Robots
- Id: 1767214408
  Name: Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network
- Id: 850429707
  Name: Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion
- Id: 1541914821
  Name: '[1.0] DE Surgeries for RBSE only'
- Id: 1552455241
  Name: Less Arbitrary Surgery
- Id: 1552452572
  Name: Death Rattle
- Id: 1123043922
  Name: Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod
- Id: 1505914869
  Name: What the hack?!
- Id: 1760022158
  Name: More Events Mod
- Id: CombatExtended
  Name: Combat Extended
- Id: CombatExtendedGuns
  Name: Combat Extended Guns
- Id: 1756442393
  Name: Combat Effects for Combat Extended
- Id: 1353373367
  Name: Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility
- Id: 1760755314
  Name: More Events Mod [CE Patch]
- Id: 1552146295
  Name: Real Ruins
- Id: 1454024362
  Name: More Faction Interaction
- Id: 846222458
  Name: More Mechanoids
- Id: 1543063349
  Name: SF Grim Reality 1.0
- Id: PRF_Core
  Name: Project RimFactory - Core
- Id: 1775170117
  Name: RimCities
- Id: 927155256
  Name: Simple sidearms
- Id: 1366888108
  Name: 4M Mehni's Misc Modifications
- Id: 1241694757
  Name: ED-EnhancedOptions
- Id: 1339135272
  Name: TD Enhancement Pack
- Id: 1098354593
  Name: Animals Logic
- Id: 1541460369
  Name: Better Pawn Control
- Id: NoJobAuthors
  Name: NoJobAuthors
- Id: 1713367505
  Name: RimSaves
- Id: 1507748539
  Name: Mod Manager
- Id: 1203903378
  Name: 1.0 - Imprisonment On The Go! (Make Pawns Prisoners Without Beds)
- Id: 708455313
  Name: Blueprints
- Id: 715565262
  Name: Colony Manager
- Id: 1709963396
  Name: Down For Me
- Id: 784123492
  Name: Easier Growingzones
- Id: 1132557840
  Name: Easy Speedup
- Id: 735106432
  Name: EdB Prepare Carefully
- Id: 818322128
  Name: Facial Stuff 1.0
- Id: 1307316672
  Name: Fixable Mood Debuffs Alert
- Id: 726244033
  Name: Fluffy Breakdowns
- Id: 1114619043
  Name: Food Alert
- Id: 1547394294
  Name: Haul Explicitly
- Id: 1546677282
  Name: Hotkeys
- Id: 1516158345
  Name: Interaction Bubbles
- Id: 1522414793
  Name: ItemListSelector
- Id: 841400669
  Name: Just a Little Dirt
- Id: 715565817
  Name: Medical Tab
- Id: 872762753
  Name: MinifyEverything
- Id: 1399727830
  Name: ModSync RW - 1.0
- Id: 1499843448
  Name: Pawn Rules
- Id: 1779331582
  Name: Quest Tab
- Id: 1742151109
  Name: Quick Stockpile Creation
- Id: 725219116
  Name: Work Tab
- Id: 826366050
  Name: Stack XXL
- Id: 1550628303
  Name: RimSearch
- Id: 730936602
  Name: Achtung!
- Id: 761421485
  Name: Allow Tool
- Id: 712141500
  Name: Animal Tab
- Id: 1363420598
  Name: AutoOwl
- Id: 1523058989
  Name: Camping Stuff
- Id: 1544345184
  Name: Ceiling Light [1.0]
- Id: 973091113
  Name: Centralized Climate Control
- Id: 1701823638
  Name: Chemical Distilling for Combat Extended
- Id: 1543157124
  Name: Cleaning Priority
- Id: 1542424055
  Name: Clear The Stockpiles
- Id: 1499847220
  Name: Collapser
- Id: 729908976
  Name: Colonist Bar KF 1.0
- Id: 826998327
  Name: Moody
- Id: 1180719857
  Name: '[KV] Path Avoid - 1.0'
- Id: 1579272031
  Name: Prioritize
- Id: 1354114366
  Name: RimQuest
- Id: 962732083
  Name: RuntimeGC
- Id: 1552457762
  Name: Run and Hide
- Id: 1180718516
  Name: '[KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings - 1.0'
- Id: 1135542536
  Name: Shear Those Corpses Vanilla
- Id: 1356838246
  Name: Share The Load
- Id: 1307441653
  Name: Shoo!
- Id: 1353625821
  Name: Use Bedrolls
- Id: 1423699208
  Name: Wall Light
- Id: 1541408076
  Name: We Had a Trader? (Continued)
- Id: 1346064449
  Name: What Is My Purpose
- Id: 1530276152
  Name: Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0]
- Id: 1568236045
  Name: Satisfied Beavers [1.0]
- Id: 848972794
  Name: Realistic Rooms
- Id: 1543157058
  Name: Realistic Human Sounds
- Id: 1616643195
  Name: Recipe icons
- Id: 1504734623
  Name: ReLearn - 0.3.2 [1.0]
- Id: 1581689948
  Name: Reduce Gradual Relations Decay
- Id: 1372003680
  Name: Replace Stuff
- Id: 1369828656
  Name: '[KV] Adjustable Trade Ships - 1.0'
- Id: 760088748
  Name: '[sd] advanced powergeneration'
- Id: 1195427067
  Name: Architect Icons
- Id: 1335708049
  Name: Auto Light Switch
- Id: 935982361
  Name: Better Workbench Management
- Id: 1677616980
  Name: Bionic icons
- Id: 1104718095
  Name: Bounded Roof Build Tool
- Id: 1707362328
  Name: Brrr and Phew
- Id: 838336462
  Name: Conduit Deconstruct
- Id: 1507384362
  Name: '[KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0'
- Id: 1539025677
  Name: Cut plants before building
- Id: 1322328003
  Name: Dismiss Trader
- Id: 1445442785
  Name: Display Radius [1.0]
- Id: 1691076769
  Name: DontBlockDoorMod[1.0]
- Id: 1508778962
  Name: '[SYR] Doormats'
- Id: 833899765
  Name: Dubs Skylights
- Id: 1539310979
  Name: '[RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0]'
- Id: 1716086112
  Name: Electric Igniter
- Id: 722092523
  Name: ED-ReverseCycleCooler
- Id: 1417825411
  Name: '[FSF] Encounter Map Resources'
- Id: 1687566130
  Name: Everybody Gets One
- Id: 1467209473
  Name: Export Agency
- Id: 1561179433
  Name: Forbiddable Refuelables
- Id: 1498067736
  Name: Fuel Economy
- Id: 1316142788
  Name: Gear Up And Go
- Id: 1770268130
  Name: Grazing Lands
- Id: 1689054668
  Name: Ground Scanner Redesign
- Id: 817350064
  Name: '[FSF] Growable Grass'
- Id: 1461790308
  Name: '[SYR] Harvest Yield Patch'
- Id: 1607884210
  Name: Ignite Everything
- Id: 1674624795
  Name: Impassable Chest-deep Water
- Id: 1554201803
  Name: '[KV] Improved Load Transport Pods'
- Id: 1414697588
  Name: Incident Person Stat
- Id: 784327493
  Name: Industrial Rollers
- Id: 1231617602
  Name: Just Ignore Me Passing
- Id: 1571943277
  Name: Large Outposts
- Id: 1520756475
  Name: '[SYR] Light Radius'
- Id: 1157085076
  Name: Locks
- Id: 937331021
  Name: Mass Graves
- Id: 830545304
  Name: Master of Cooking
- Id: 848513545
  Name: Master of Crafting
- Id: 1541305730
  Name: '[1.0] Material Filter'
- Id: 1323773476
  Name: Meals On Wheels
- Id: 735241897
  Name: MendAndRecycle
- Id: 1541978411
  Name: Veinminer R1.0
- Id: 1554307259
  Name: Minimal Light Control
- Id: 1568700181
  Name: More Practical Traits
- Id: 1541250497
  Name: More Harvest Designators!
- Id: 1508292711
  Name: '[KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0'
- Id: 933010556
  Name: MT - Silent Doors
- Id: 945085502
  Name: '[FSF] No Default Shelf Storage'
- Id: 773918229
  Name: No Random Construction Quality
- Id: 1754363066
  Name: No Random Relations
- Id: 1414302321
  Name: Numbers
- Id: 1089876213
  Name: Omni Core Drill
- Id: 1545651917
  Name: One More Small Shelf
- Id: 1539312975
  Name: '[RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0]'
- Id: 1365242717
  Name: Pharmacist
- Id: 1279012058
  Name: Pick Up And Haul
- Id: 1605773857
  Name: Plant Growing Wall Light
- Id: 1503021320
  Name: '[CP] Portable Power Generator (1.0)'
- Id: 899714534
  Name: Power Indicators
- Id: 717632155
  Name: PowerSwitch
- Id: 1537786185
  Name: Predator Hunt Alert
- Id: 1180721235
  Name: '[KV] RimFridge - 1.0'
- Id: 1266570759
  Name: Research Tree
- Id: 1508850027
  Name: RimHUD
- Id: 1539313434
  Name: '[RF] Rainbeau Flambe - Storyteller [1.0]'
- Id: 726479594
  Name: Rimworld Search Agency
- Id: 725952322
  Name: Rimsenal - Storyteller pack
- Id: 1355637255
  Name: Room Sense
- Id: 728314182
  Name: RT Fuse
- Id: 728314859
  Name: RT Power Switch
- Id: 728315620
  Name: RT Solar Flare Shield
- Id: 1470065926
  Name: '[SYR] Set Up Camp'
- Id: 1508341791
  Name: '[FSF] Rain Washes Away Filth'
- Id: 887716138
  Name: WM Smarter food selection
- Id: 943373441
  Name: WM Hydroponics with lamps
- Id: 1539028008
  Name: Where is my weapon?
- Id: 1781679122
  Name: Wave Survival
- Id: 1295107035
  Name: '[1.0] Walking Problem, the Happening Storyteller 3.0'
- Id: 1542424705
  Name: Ugh You Got Me
- Id: 736584444
  Name: Training Rack
- Id: 1180719658
  Name: '[KV] Trading Spot - 1.0'
- Id: 1499848654
  Name: Toggle Harvest
- Id: 1498070208
  Name: The Price Is Right
- Id: 1231678757
  Name: Technology Blueprints
- Id: 1609226728
  Name: Subsurface Conduit
- Id: 1416695246
  Name: Storyteller Enhanced
- Id: 1558464886
  Name: Stockpile Ranking
- Id: 1542424571
  Name: Snow Clearance Sanity
- Id: 1319782555
  Name: Snap Out!
- Id: 1309994319
  Name: Smart Medicine
- Id: 1557737647
  Name: Advanced Transport Pods
- Id: 817902482
  Name: DeadMansClothing
- Id: 1307659290
  Name: Less Stupid Romance Attempt
- Id: 1157350972
  Name: '[FSF] Complex Jobs'
rvanasa commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting the issue. The "Quest cancelled (city under attack)" message only appears if the map under attack was removed for any reason (quest expiration has a different message). Because RimCities does not add any logic to remove maps, this appears to be an issue with another mod which happened to coincide with an active RimCities quest.

Best of luck in debugging this issue further. Hopefully knowing that this isn't caused by RimCities will narrow down the options for what could be causing the issue.