On the client side, the game host should run the script public/javascripts/beats.js. This will analyze the music, and send a POST request to /songNotes, with a body containing the notes in the format [{time: milliseconds, keys: ['notes']}], sorted by time to play. (The host can start analyzing as soon as they have decided to host a game.) Send the notes array back to the other clients, along with a time that everyone should start the game, and we're golden.
On the client side, the game host should run the script public/javascripts/beats.js. This will analyze the music, and send a POST request to /songNotes, with a body containing the notes in the format [{time: milliseconds, keys: ['notes']}], sorted by time to play. (The host can start analyzing as soon as they have decided to host a game.) Send the notes array back to the other clients, along with a time that everyone should start the game, and we're golden.