rvdbreemen / OTGW-firmware

A ESP8266 devkit firmware for the Nodoshop version of the Opentherm Gateway (OTGW)
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Cant set Max CH setpoint #212

Closed richardscholten73 closed 1 year ago

richardscholten73 commented 1 year ago

I am unable to change the Max CH setpoint.

My boiler is set to a maximum temperature of 80°C. OTGW has a (default?) Max CH setpoint of 70°C

I tried setting it to match my boilers temp of max temp of 80°C with otmonitor in the Heater configuration menu and with a Free format command (SH=80). I also tried setting it with MQTT explorer. (MaxTSet).

Nothing works, the Max CH setpoint just stays at 70°C

When updating the Control Setpoint in Home assistant with SERVICE OPENTHERM_GW.SET_CONTROL_SETPOINT OTGW reports the correct Control Setpoint, however my boiler receives a Control Setpoint of the default 70°

ESP8266 Firmware Version0.9.5+4eb7d24 (30-05-2022)
OTGW PIC Firmware Version6.2
OTGW PIC Device IDpic16f1847
Compiled on (date/time)May 30 2022 08:35:36
IP address <removed>
MAC address <removed>
Free Heap Memory (bytes)12344
Max. Free Memory (bytes)11512
Unique Chip ID5aca9c
Arduino Core Version2_7_4
Espressif SDK Version2.2.2-dev(38a443e)
CPU speed (MHz)160
Sketch Size (bytes)553.906
Free Sketch Space (bytes)1492
Flash ID0016405E
Flash Chip Size (MB)4
Real Flash Chip Size (MB)4
Flash Chip Speed (MHz)40
Flash ModeDIO
Board TypeESP8266_NODEMCU
Wifi Network (SSID)Wi-Fi1
Wifi Receive Power (dB)-79
NTP Enabletrue
NTP TimezoneEurope/Amsterdam
Uptime Since Boot0(d)-04:15(H:m)
Last Reset ReasonExternal System
Nr. Reboots18
MQTT Connectedtrue
Thermostat Connectedfalse
Boiler Connectedtrue
Gateway modetrue
OTGW Online/Offlinetrue
hvxl commented 1 year ago

OTGW has a default Max CH setpoint of 90°C. If it doesn't accept the SH=80 command (response SH: BV), it must be because the boiler has informed it of other limits via MsgID 49. Possibly that information is old, but is not being polled by the thermostat. You can try to force an update with a PM=49 command.

richardscholten73 commented 1 year ago

The PM=49 reports back: 18:29:32.169190 B4031501E Read-Ack Max CH setpoint boundaries: 80 30

SH=80 shows up in the log: 18:49:37.926629 Command: SH=80 18:49:38.004661 SH: 80.00

But the Max CH watersetpoint remain 70: 18:49:37.106779 R00390000 Read-Data Max CH water setpoint: 0.00 18:49:37.277742 B40394600 Read-Ack Max CH water setpoint: 70.00

hvxl commented 1 year ago

The SH command is now accepted by the OTGW (I don't know if it wasn't before, your report wasn't clear on that). The Read-Ack that shows 70 degrees is from an earlier time stamp than the SH command. So that doesn't give any indication whether the command worked or not. The OTGW should send a Write-Data for the Max CH water setpoint. But it will only do that if the boiler indicated the Max CH water setpoint can be written, via ID6:LB1.

richardscholten73 commented 1 year ago

I dont see a write command in the log after sending the SH command.

"The OTGW should send a Write-Data for the Max CH water setpoint. But it will only do that if the boiler indicated the Max CH water setpoint can be written, via ID6:LB1." Not sure if my boiler (intergas Hreco 36) supports this. But thats not the issue here i think? I am not trying to set the Max settemp of my boiler through OTGW. My boiler is set to 80 and thats fine, its OTGW that is stuck on 70 for some reason.

You mentioned the default is 90, but somehow it is now set to 70. Where is the 70 comming from? Is there any way to go back to the default setting? Complete reset of the device/factory reset?

hvxl commented 1 year ago

The equipment matrix for the Intergas Kombi Kompakt HReco shows that this boiler does not support modifying the Max CH water setpoint via opentherm (ID6:LB1 = 0). So you'll have to configure it on the boiler. Currently the boiler reports that it is set to 70 degrees.: 18:49:37.277742 B40394600 Read-Ack Max CH water setpoint: 70.00 The B in front of the hex message indicates that the OTGW received this information on the boiler interface.

You mentioned that the boiler is set to 80 degrees. But are you sure that is the actual Max CH water setpoint, not just the upper limit for the Max CH water setpoint? MsgID 49 reported that the upper limit for the Max CH water setpoint is 80, and MsgID 57 reports that the current Max CH water setpoint is 70.

I can understand that it can be a bit confusing. The Max CH water setpoint (MsgID 57) indicates the upper limit for the Control setpoint (MsgID 1). The Max CH water setpoint itself can be adjusted within the Max CH water Setpoint upper & lower bounds (MsgID 49). So that actually indicates a Max and min max CH water setpoint.

richardscholten73 commented 1 year ago

So the B indicates the value actualy comes from my boiler, I am so confused right now...

I set all values i can set on my boiler back to the defaults as described in the boiler manual. I disconnected/reconnected both OTGW and my boiler from power. (just to make sure there are no values left in memory)

PM=49 now returns Max CH setpoint boundarie 90 30, as expected as these are the defaults. But the max setpoint is returned as 70. None of the setting on my boiler even had or have 70 as a temp...

22:26:48.056884 Command: PM=49
22:26:48.225090 PM: 49
22:26:48.572219 R90013BDD   Write-Data  Control setpoint: 59.86
22:26:48.764315 B50013BDD   Write-Ack   Control setpoint: 59.86
22:26:49.569421 R80380000   Read-Data   DHW setpoint: 0.00
22:26:49.760089 B40383C00   Read-Ack    DHW setpoint: 60.00
22:26:50.569387 R00390000   Read-Data   Max CH water setpoint: 0.00
22:26:50.755982 B40394600   Read-Ack    Max CH water setpoint: 70.00
22:26:51.568330 R80310000   Read-Data   Max CH setpoint boundaries: 0 0
22:26:51.756208 B40315A1E   Read-Ack    Max CH setpoint boundaries: 90 30

BTW, i do not have a thermostat attached to OTGW. Everything is controlled through the Homeassistant integration and appDeamon. Only command that is send to OTGW with the integration is a call to OPENTHERM_GW.SET_CONTROL_SETPOINT service with the Control setpoint temp (59.86 in the log above) Could the homeassitant integration be causing this?

richardscholten73 commented 1 year ago

I found it.

Sifted through the whole manual of my boiler and it was a setting on my boiler after all. A different setting in a different menu... Why this setting is in a different menu, and why there are two seperate settings for the Max setpoint is beyond me.

Thank you for your assistants and patiens. Sorry for wasting your time.

Kind regards, Richard Scholten

hvxl commented 1 year ago

This cannot be caused by the homeassitant integration. It clearly is a setting on the boiler.

Reading the installation manual of the Kombi Kompakt HReco, I understand things as follows:

  1. Parameter 5. sets the upper limit for the Max CH setpoint (default 90)
  2. Parameter E sets the lower limit for the Max CH setpoint (default 40)
  3. You set the actual Max CH setpoint via the control panel: Press the 🌡 button until the LED next to the radiator symbol lights up. Then you can set the temperature between 30°C and 90°C (standard setting 80°C).