Closed avk999 closed 7 months ago
Debug information:
reboot log on the littlefs contains:
2024-04-23 08:23:53 - reboot cause: Software/System restart (4)
2024-04-21 15:56:49 - reboot cause: Software/System restart (4)
2024-04-21 12:41:43 - reboot cause: Software/System restart (4)
I believe those times correspond to failures.
Settings.ini content:
"hostname": "OTGWNEW",
"MQTTenable": false,
"MQTTbroker": "homeassistant.local",
"MQTTbrokerPort": 1883,
"MQTTuser": "",
"MQTTpasswd": "",
"MQTTtoptopic": "OTGW",
"MQTThaprefix": "homeassistant",
"MQTTuniqueid": "otgw-C8C9A30DF315",
"MQTTOTmessage": false,
"MQTTharebootdetection": true,
"NTPenable": true,
"NTPtimezone": "Europe/Amsterdam",
"NTPhostname": "",
"LEDblink": false,
"GPIOSENSORSenabled": false,
"GPIOSENSORSinterval": 20,
"S0COUNTERenabled": false,
"S0COUNTERpin": 12,
"S0COUNTERdebouncetime": 80,
"S0COUNTERpulsekw": 1000,
"S0COUNTERinterval": 60,
"OTGWcommandenable": true,
"OTGWcommands": "GW=1",
"GPIOOUTPUTSenabled": false,
"GPIOOUTPUTStriggerBit": 0
The PS=1 pulls a report of values and then stops reporting the msgids.
This is by design. It looks like you are using the 'OTGW' integration of the serial network port.
Could you try setting up MQTT and then use that integration.
Turn off the native OTGW component in Home Assistant.
That way we can rule out issues with the serial interface.
Thanks, Robert
Closing this issue, the discussion continued in the discord community. It turned out that there was an issue with the powersupply, causing this strange issue. After finding this, it solved the freezing.
Another possible reason may be the software thermostat sometimes calling HA service setting CH temperature 5 times in quick succession.
Hello, I run
on Wemos D1. After some time (days or hours) HA starts reporting error "Unable to connect to serial port" and web interface of Wemos shows no OT data: I've replaced D1 but nothing changed - it still stops receiving OT data.Logs from telnet port when the data stopped coming in:
After 22:56 no Thermostat or Boiler messages were logged.
This condition is always resolved by software reboot of Wemos with
Would be happy to receive any advice on what can cause this. I've already made sure the board doesn't overheat (added temporary fan), replaced the power supply to no avail.