rvdbreemen / OTGW-firmware

A ESP8266 devkit firmware for the Nodoshop version of the Opentherm Gateway (OTGW)
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Disable un-used MQTT-messages #35

Closed PvdGulik closed 3 years ago

PvdGulik commented 3 years ago

Is there a possibility to mark out all the MQTT topics you don't use/need? E.g. my boiler does not support cooling, but OTGW Firmware does send out the MQTT messages:

> OTGW/value/otgw-ECFABC05B55B/cooling_enable
> OTGW/value/otgw-ECFABC05B55B/cooling

I tried to disable them in mqttha.cfg, but no succes

Thank you

rvdbreemen commented 3 years ago

The reason they are send out is that they are part of the status byte message, I have no way of know if a system has them or not, they are just part of the protocol.

I am not planning to leave them out at this point or making it configurable. Besides a bit of bandwidth waste.

PvdGulik commented 3 years ago

Hello Ruud,

I'd liked to reopen this issue, or maybe open a new issue. Due to the large ammount of OTGW messages it looks like Domoticz is running out of memory which ends in a Domoticz Crash. The problem is that slowly the memory increases, and, after 12 hours, a crash. This process cycles every 12 hours.


I use OTGW-Domoticz-MQTT-Client from proditaki to get the MQTT messages from OTGW Firmware via my MQTT-broker in Domoticz.

Yesterdag morning I stopped the OTGW MQTTClient hardware, and the memory issue stopped.

Proditaki asked me to address the issue here.

I think limiting the messages to only the one used by the specific boiler/thermostat will solve this problem.

Thank you

DaveDavenport commented 3 years ago

Isn't this more of a Domoticz (or OTGW-Domoticz-MQTT-Client) issue? reducing the amount of messages won't 'solve' domiticz bug, but just slow down the point time it takes to run out of memory?

PvdGulik commented 3 years ago

It's only with this hardware. That's why I started with a issue at OTGW-Domoticz-MQTT-Client from proditaki. He asked me to issue this here.

sjorsjuhmaniac commented 3 years ago

@PvdGulik, I hate to tell you but this looks like a memory bug in Domoticz or the plugin as @DaveDavenport already mentioned. Even if the messages would be reduced it might not fix your issue but just postpone it.

For now, you can reduce the amount messages by

*looking at how @proditaki implemented the plugin, he is parsing the Home Assistant Discovery. So whatever is NOT in the HA autodiscovery, will not show up in your Domoticz and won't accelerate the Domoticz Memory Bug.

PvdGulik commented 3 years ago

First I tried is the "unchecking the MQTT OT msg Enable option on the config page" I'll report tomorrow the result.

Next step will editing mqttha.cfg.

Keep you informed.

PvdGulik commented 3 years ago

Well, that didn't solve anything, same result ;-( I'll try editing mqttha.cfg

PvdGulik commented 3 years ago

Oke, I've edited mqttha.cfg. I disabled all with // at the beginning of the line. Then only actived the ones I use and rebooted. Also in Domoticz all the devices created which I don't use are disabled.

After reboot Domoticz and OTGW NodeMCU, still 34 Sensors and Switch which I don't use in Domoticz are updated on regular basis. 15 of them are updated every 3 seconds.... Why?

These are:

  1344 OTGW MQTT Client 00270019 25 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Fault Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1345 OTGW MQTT Client 0027001A 26 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Central_Heating Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1346 OTGW MQTT Client 0027001B 27 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Domestic_Hot_Water Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1347 OTGW MQTT Client 0027001C 28 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Flame Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1348 OTGW MQTT Client 0027001D 29 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Cooling Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1349 OTGW MQTT Client 0027001E 30 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Central_Heating_2 Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:42
    1350 OTGW MQTT Client 0027001F 31 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Diagonostic_Indicator Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:42
    1355 OTGW MQTT Client 00270024 36 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_central_heating_2_enable Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1437 OTGW MQTT Client 00270076 118 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Status_Slave General Custom Sensor 0 # - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1354 OTGW MQTT Client 00270023 35 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_OTC_enable Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1351 OTGW MQTT Client 00270020 32 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Central_Heating_enable Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1352 OTGW MQTT Client 00270021 33 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Domestic_Hot_Water_enable Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1353 OTGW MQTT Client 00270022 34 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Cooling_enable Light/Switch Switch Off - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1436 OTGW MQTT Client 00270075 117 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Status_Master General Custom Sensor 0 # - -   2021-03-27 12:36:41
    1413 OTGW MQTT Client 0027005E 94 OTGW MQTT Client - OTGW_Return_water_temperature Temp LaCrosse TX3 1.0 C - -   2021-03-27 12:36:42

I don't use them, because the give no real info e.g. Return_water_temperature 1.0C. They are updated every 3 seconds. Why? And is this why I have a Domoticz_memory problem? The memory-use is already rising again ;-(

rvdbreemen commented 3 years ago

I think @proditaki needs to look at the domoticz plug-in. As your memory issue is not cause by the messages itself. Reducing the number of message will only delay the problem.

The root cause needs to be addressed.

The sensors and switches are generated based on the specification. As the setup is generic and standard based. It generates topics based in the messages that are being send.

It’s also different for each thermostat and boiler. So making it less generic or more configurable over complicates the whole setup.

The amount of messages and frequency should not be an issue, filtering can be done downstream.

I push on change approach. The real problem with that is when you lose connectivity or values do not change for a long time. Than you could be out of sync.