Closed marfiska closed 3 years ago
Microsoft Teams requires that you use a url that is available over the internet. You would need to expose this endpoint, and call it through the public url.
From the Microsoft documentation (
Defines the URL endpoint of the service that implements the action. Note: this URL must be accessible from the internet, you cannot use
Hello! I'm new to this project and I'm wrapping up the last bit of an API I'm putting together. The HTTP post is not working but I suspect I'm missing something. Please see below for my code. I get the card with all the relevant information, but when the button is clicked, it's unsuccessful.
In the below example, localhost:5000/alert/camera is the same API that I'm calling, I'm just trying to invoke it again through the button to validate it works. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Building MS Teams card
card = pymsteams.connectorcard(payload['eventWebhook'])
Add buttons and actions
AcknowledgeAction = pymsteams.potentialaction(_name = "Acknowledge") AcknowledgeAction.addAction("HttpPost","Send Update","https://localhost:5000/alert/camera")
ResetAction = pymsteams.potentialaction(_name = "Suppress Alerts") ResetAction.addAction("HttpPost","Suppress","https://localhost:5000/alert/camera") ResetAction.choices.addChoices("30 minutes","30") ResetAction.choices.addChoices("1 hour","60") ResetAction.choices.addChoices("4 hours","240") ResetAction.choices.addChoices("8 hours","540") ResetAction.choices.addChoices("24 hours","1440") ResetAction.addInput("MultichoiceInput","list","Suppress alerts for",False)
Section and attributes of card
Section = pymsteams.cardsection() Section.title(f"Application : {payload['application']}") Section.activityTitle(f"Alerted on : {payload['eventTime']}") Section.addFact("Image name :", payload['imageName']) Section.addFact("Results :", payload['results']) Section.addFact("Event Position : ", payload['eventPosition']) Section.addFact("Events in last 24/hrs :", payload['eventHistory']) Section.addImage(f"{payload['imageUrl']}")
Add to card
card.addSection(Section) card.addPotentialAction(AcknowledgeAction) card.addPotentialAction(ResetAction) card.addLinkButton("View raw image", payload['imageUrl'])
Send action