i would like to submit this issue on android phone that the adaptive card is not rendered well.
That is, from android when you click on the buttons (of a potential action) the context menu will appears, such as the calendar or the multi-selection of some values.
What does not appear instead is the enter key of the choice you want to make. The pictures perhaps explain better.
This is a comparison table, where:
the first column represents how potential actions, created through pymsteams, works well on windows 10 with the teams application
the second column represents how potential actions, created through pymsteams, doesn't work well on android with the teams application
the third column represents how potential actions, created with thirdy party tool, works well on android with the teams application.
import pymsteams
# You must create the connectorcard object with the Microsoft Webhook URL
myTeamsMessage = pymsteams.connectorcard("MY-CURRENT-WEBHOOK")
# Add text to the message.
myTeamsMessage.text("this is my text")
myTeamsMessage.title("This is my message title")
# create the section
myMessageSection = pymsteams.cardsection()
#Potential Action1
myTeamsPotentialAction1 = pymsteams.potentialaction(_name = "Add a comment")
myTeamsPotentialAction1.addInput("TextInput","comment","Add a comment here",False)
myTeamsPotentialAction1.addAction("HttpPost","Add Comment","https://www.lg.com")
#Potential Action2
myTeamsPotentialAction2 = pymsteams.potentialaction(_name = "Set due date")
myTeamsPotentialAction2.addInput("DateInput","dueDate","Enter due date")
#Potential Action3
myTeamsPotentialAction3 = pymsteams.potentialaction(_name = "Change Status")
myTeamsPotentialAction3.choices.addChoices("In progress","0")
myTeamsPotentialAction3.addInput("MultichoiceInput","list","Select a status",False)
# Summary
myTeamsMessage.summary("Test Message")
# Then send the card
I can confirm that is probably something with the pymsteams and not related to android, as i have other Teams channel where on android , the button on potential action works as expected.
May i can link some info about that
Dear rveach maintainer,
i would like to submit this issue on android phone that the adaptive card is not rendered well. That is, from android when you click on the buttons (of a potential action) the context menu will appears, such as the calendar or the multi-selection of some values. What does not appear instead is the enter key of the choice you want to make. The pictures perhaps explain better. This is a comparison table, where:
For the image see the follow link: https://i.imgur.com/VvAaH5S.png
The code I am using is the following.
I can confirm that is probably something with the pymsteams and not related to android, as i have other Teams channel where on android , the button on potential action works as expected. May i can link some info about that