rverton / webanalyze

Port of Wappalyzer (uncovers technologies used on websites) to automate mass scanning.
MIT License
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Fails to analyze host:port URL #44

Closed przmv closed 3 years ago

przmv commented 3 years ago
webanalyze -host google.com:80
 :: webanalyze        : v1.0
 :: workers           : 4
 :: apps              : apps.json
 :: crawl count       : 0
 :: search subdomains : true

google.com:80 error: Failed to retrieve: Get "google.com:80": unsupported protocol scheme "google.com"
rverton commented 3 years ago

As the error described, the scheme is missing:

$ go run cmd/webanalyze/main.go -host http://google.de:80
 :: webanalyze        : v1.0
 :: workers           : 4
 :: apps              : apps.json
 :: crawl count       : 0
 :: search subdomains : true
 :: follow redirects  : false

http://google.de:80 (0.2s):
    Google Web Server,  (Web servers)
przmv commented 3 years ago

But it works OK without both scheme and port:

webanalyze -host google.de
 :: webanalyze        : v1.0
 :: workers           : 4
 :: apps              : apps.json
 :: crawl count       : 0
 :: search subdomains : true

http://google.de (0.2s):
    Google Web Server,  (Web servers)
rverton commented 3 years ago

It does, but when you omit the scheme you cant pass a port. It's how URL parsing from the standard lib works in Go.