rvesse / airline

Java annotation-based framework for parsing Git like command line structures with deep extensibility
Apache License 2.0
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Support positional arguments #91

Open rvesse opened 5 years ago

rvesse commented 5 years ago

Currently @Arguments is a general annotation that can only be applied to a single field and collects all non-option values into that field. There are various use cases where it might be nicer to support true positional arguments i.e. a new @PositionalArgument annotation such that arguments could be captured on separate fields and provide more detailed help specific to each argument


@Command(name = "pos-args")
public class PositionalArgumentExample {

  @PositionalArgument(title = "Source", description = "The source file", position = { 0 })
  private String source;

  @PositionalArgument(title = "Target", description = "The target file", position = { 1 })
  private String target;

  @Arguments(title = "ExtraArg", description = "Extra arguments")
  private List<String> extraArgs = new ArrayList();

Which would be used as follows:

> pos-args source.txt target.txt foo bar

Where source.txt would be set to the source field, target.txt set to the target field and the additional arguments passed to the extraArgs field

rvesse commented 5 years ago

Concrete tasks:

rvesse commented 5 years ago

Moved out to 2.8

rvesse commented 5 years ago

Moved to 3.x branch

gsmet commented 2 years ago

Hey @rvesse ,

I'm working on integrating Airline into Quarkus GitHub App (it's a framework used to develop GitHub Apps) to parse commands included in GitHub comments (basically to have a comment-based commands bot).

This @PositionalArgument feature is THE missing feature I would need to make things completely smooth.

Anything I can do to help make it happen? AFAICS, you have made a lot of progress on this already.

And btw, a good opportunity to thank you for your work on this: it was exactly what I was looking for and it's flexible enough to meet my requirement even if it's not the typical use case of this library.

rvesse commented 2 years ago

Hey @gsmet,

So the core implementation was done a long time ago as the commits show, this was being done in aid of $dayjob usage of this library but priorities changed and we never ended up adopting this feature so it didn't get finished up. I would really like to finish it and get a 3.x release out at some point.

The main areas of this feature that need finishing are:

There are Alpha builds available via https://central.sonatype.org/publish/publish-guide/#accessing-repositories if you want to experiment with it in your project. Note Airline counts as a legacy project so you'll need to use the older oss.sonatype.org URLs. Most recent Alpha version is 3.0.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT