rvizarreta / Mx2_AlignmentCalibration

In this repository I'll keep all the code used for the analysis and calibration duties I have for the Mx2 detector, a Near Detector Prototype from the DUNE experiment.
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Finish alignment calibration using major set of ntuples. #10

Closed rvizarreta closed 1 year ago

rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

Also review how to properly run this, be more careful with the run and subrun numbers. Also print on XML format.

rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

I am having a weird error when doing ./ReadNT, it show 'killed'. It seems it can be related to a memory issue, but I am not sure about that.

rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

FIXED: When there are jobs running it produces some weird .nsf files that somehow also appear on the place where the ntuples are. This messes up everything. I closed the session and ssh again and those files were gone and everything worked.

rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

To run from scratch:

  1. Source minerva setup.
  2. source make_readNT.sh /minerva/data/users/rvizarr/minervacal v10r8pre 847 2 898 11 (these numbers do not seem to have an impact)
  3. root -l DoAlignment.C
rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

New task:

rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

Major set of tuples is ready to be analyzed. They are on /pnfs/dune/scratch/users/cpernas/RockMuon_nTuples/. There are about ~100,000 rock muons total