rvizarreta / Mx2_AlignmentCalibration

In this repository I'll keep all the code used for the analysis and calibration duties I have for the Mx2 detector, a Near Detector Prototype from the DUNE experiment.
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Develop strategy to efficiently read .root files for exploration #11

Closed rvizarreta closed 1 year ago

rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

Improve Notebook for plotting .root files with TTree structure and also for files that don't. This is inspired from my meeting with Chris. Remember that Chris knew most of the TTrees names by memory.

rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

Initially I made a Notebook for reading branches and trees. But being honest, it is not more useful than TBroswer. I might finish it and try to display it online to have a nice way to see plots from branches. But it may fail if file structure is not coming from tree-branch kind of files. Also, performance issues are possible. How to handle this? Use TBrowser for quick exploration? use pyroot for Analysis of deep exploration as the one Chris did?

rvizarreta commented 1 year ago

Ok it is done now. This is a simple way to explore trees and branches easily. Using the terminal is an option that will probably be used as well for simplicity. However, the main thing is that I was able to create plots using filters as Chris did, which is good because now I can create mine and store them in the notebook, something that cannot be done using the terminal.