rvizarreta / Mx2_AlignmentCalibration

In this repository I'll keep all the code used for the analysis and calibration duties I have for the Mx2 detector, a Near Detector Prototype from the DUNE experiment.
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Replicate alignment original code using PyROOT #12

Closed rvizarreta closed 9 months ago

rvizarreta commented 11 months ago

Also, answer Jaesun's question once I understand how everything works.

rvizarreta commented 11 months ago

My pyroot trial didn't work. It seems that C++ is the only way? It doesn't seem to bad, but might be wrong. What if i do it in C++ and make a PDF for each run with the day it is generated automatically? That way I can save my progress in a maybe more efficient way than using notebooks.

rvizarreta commented 11 months ago

Pure root doesn't seem to work because of package compatibility (it is a mess to setup and source). Will try again with pyroot. Be careful with pointers.

rvizarreta commented 11 months ago

Seem to be working now in PyRoot! This is great progress. Things to fix:

rvizarreta commented 11 months ago

All is working now! But the plots are not totally correct, need to fix this.

rvizarreta commented 11 months ago

It works better now, but still now getting same values. Problem relies on memory pointers from MyFit function. I think it's time to just sit down and map everything the original code does.
