Closed camillesouama closed 1 year ago
It is impossible to tell anything from what little context you give. I can only guess, and chances are I will guess wrong. Show the code you used to fit the model, the results of summary(model)
, and your code for emmeans()
and contrast()
Thanks for looking into it, here is the info required:
> model <- lm(bmi ~ sex + age , data = Sample_main)
> summary(model)
lm(formula = bmi ~ sex + age, data = Sample_main)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-10.5718 -3.2990 -0.9122 2.1633 30.1579
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 21.911586 0.332511 65.897 < 2e-16 ***
sex1 -0.662307 0.188288 -3.518 0.000442 ***
age 0.098307 0.006807 14.442 < 2e-16 ***
Residual standard error: 4.828 on 2956 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.07238, Adjusted R-squared: 0.07175
F-statistic: 115.3 on 2 and 2956 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
> emmeans(model, pairwise ~ sex)
sex emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0 26.0 0.153 2956 25.7 26.3
1 25.4 0.109 2956 25.2 25.6
Confidence level used: 0.95
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
sex0 - sex1 0.662 0.188 2956 3.518 0.0004
> pairs(emmeans(model, pairwise ~ sex))
[1] x
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Warning message:
In class(rtn) <- c("summary_emm", "data.frame") :
Setting class(x) to multiple strings ("summary_emm", "data.frame", ...); result will no longer be an S4 object
> contrast(emmeans(model, pairwise ~ sex))
[1] x
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Warning message:
In class(rtn) <- c("summary_emm", "data.frame") :
Setting class(x) to multiple strings ("summary_emm", "data.frame", ...); result will no longer be an S4 object
Does that clarify the issue?
Note that you already have the results:
emmeans(model, pairwise ~ sex)
sex emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
0 26.0 0.153 2956 25.7 26.3
1 25.4 0.109 2956 25.2 25.6
Confidence level used: 0.95
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
sex0 - sex1 0.662 0.188 2956 3.518 0.0004
When you do contrast(emmeans(model, pairwise ~ sex))
, you are asking it to do contrasts of an emm_list
object (not an emmGrid
object). I don't know why you are doing that, given that you already have the results in a previous step. But if you want to do follow-up contratsts on a emm_list
object, you should specify which one you want; e.g.,
lst <- emmeans(model, pairwise ~ sex)
Great, I was trying to use the contrast() or pairs() function to be able to reverse contrasts in an automatic way. With your help, I am now able to do so. Thanks for your time!
You can use revpairwise ~ sex to get the comparison to go the other direction. Better yet, IMHO, is to not conflate means and contrasts
EMM = emmeans(model, ~sex) EMM. # view means contrast(EMM, "revpairwise"). #or whatever
I made some changes so that we get results, and don't get the error messages you experienced. Example:
> MOats.lm = lm(formula = yield ~ Block + Variety, data = MOats)
> lst = emmeans(MOats.lm, pairwise ~ Variety)
> lst
Variety emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
Golden Rain 104.5 5.01 10 93.3 116
Marvellous 109.8 5.01 10 98.6 121
Victory 97.6 5.01 10 86.5 109
Results are averaged over the levels of: Block, rep.meas
Confidence level used: 0.95
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Golden Rain - Marvellous -5.29 7.08 10 -0.748 0.7419
Golden Rain - Victory 6.88 7.08 10 0.971 0.6104
Marvellous - Victory 12.17 7.08 10 1.719 0.2458
Results are averaged over the levels of: Block, rep.meas
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
> contrast(lst, "eff")
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
Golden Rain effect 0.528 4.09 10 0.129 0.8998
Marvellous effect 5.819 4.09 10 1.424 0.2774
Victory effect -6.347 4.09 10 -1.553 0.2774
Results are averaged over the levels of: Block, rep.meas
P value adjustment: fdr method for 3 tests
When I use the contrast() and pairs() functions on emmGrid objects, the following output and warning appear:
[1] x
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names) Warning message: In class(rtn) <- c("summary_emm", "data.frame") : Setting class(x) to multiple strings ("summary_emm", "data.frame", ...); result will no longer be an S4 object Do you maybe know why this issue occurs and how I can fix it?