Closed hnguyen19 closed 1 year ago
I do not get this error on my machine:
mod <- with(tran,
- lm(linkfun(cty) ~ manufacturer + drv * linkfun(hwy), data = ggplot2::mpg))
joint_tests(mod) model term df1 df2 F.ratio p.value manufacturer 14 214 6.828 <.0001 drv 2 214 11.804 <.0001 hwy 1 214 733.144 <.0001 drv:hwy 2 214 5.378 0.0053
However, I believe this is the same as issue #428 ( which is recently fixed and will be included in the next update to be sent to CRAN soon. Meanwhile, if you like, you can install it from GitHub: see
Closing this, as I think it's resolved
Thank you, could you please add asin (without square-root), too?
a.tran = make.tran("asin", 100)
mod <- with(a.tran, lm(linkfun(cty) ~ manufacturer + drv * linkfun(hwy), data = mpg))
the back-tranformation introduced sqrt which was not included in a.tran
emmeans(mod, ~ manufacturer, type = "response")
manufacturer response SE df lower.CL upper.CL
audi 15.0 0.258 214 14.4 15.5
chevrolet 16.1 0.240 214 15.7 16.6
dodge 16.2 0.216 214 15.8 16.6
ford 16.6 0.223 214 16.2 17.1
honda 17.4 0.390 214 16.7 18.2
hyundai 16.1 0.289 214 15.5 16.7
jeep 16.5 0.362 214 15.8 17.2
land rover 15.2 0.480 214 14.2 16.1
lincoln 15.7 0.634 214 14.4 16.9
mercury 16.0 0.479 214 15.1 17.0
nissan 16.8 0.289 214 16.2 17.3
pontiac 14.8 0.423 214 14.0 15.7
subaru 16.9 0.356 214 16.2 17.6
toyota 16.9 0.206 214 16.5 17.3
volkswagen 16.5 0.248 214 16.0 17.0
Results are averaged over the levels of: drv
Confidence level used: 0.95
Intervals are back-transformed from the asin(sqrt(mu/100)) scale
Just to be clear, the square root is included in a.tran
because make.tran()
uses partial matching:
> a.tran = make.tran("asin")
> a.tran$name
[1] "asin(sqrt(mu))"
that is, "asin` is matched to "asin.sqrt". And the function is documented clearly with the possible choices.
I am unaware of a case where asin(y) is a variance-stabilizing transformation or other common transformation context; and I am afraid that if I add it, it may break some existing code out there somewhere, because the partial matching will work differently. In fact, I think it is likely that that will happen.
So I would need a really good reason to add it.
Thank you so much for the explanation. Before this update, I was able to get ANOVA tables via joint_tests in which the covariate was asin(y)-transformed (now I know arsine without square-root is inappropriate), so I thought it was accepted.
I asked this question on Stackoverflow (, but it didn't gain much attention, so I'm posting it here.
I have the following dummy model
Error in ratios && true.con && misc$tran %in% c("log", "log2", "log10", : 'length = 5' in coercion to 'logical(1)' emmeans does recognize the transformation, as detailed in