rvlenth / emmeans

Estimated marginal means
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adjustment method for contrast(combine = TRUE) #467

Closed gevro closed 4 months ago

gevro commented 4 months ago

Is it possible to specify the adjust method in contrast(combine=TRUE) for the combination across the emmeans list? The documentation says that rbind is used to execute combine = TRUE, but the adjust parameter of contrast appears to be ignored and even though I set it to "tukey" the result says it used "sidak". The cross.adjust parameter doesn't work either.

Strangely, when I set adjust = "mvt", the final result says that "mvt" was used. But I would like to use "tukey" both for the standard p-value adjustment, and for the combine=TRUE combination step.


rvlenth commented 4 months ago

You have to use these functions the way they are documented. In this case,