rvm / rvm1-ansible

The official ansible RVM role to install and manage your Ruby versions.
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Install rubies task freeze waiting for user password to be suplied when no binary rubies found #168

Closed jgomo3 closed 6 years ago

jgomo3 commented 6 years ago

My playbook freeze when the rvm1-ansible role tries to execute the task Install rubies.

Debugging it by printing the result of the expression '{{ rvm1_rvm }} install {{ item.item }} {{ rvm1_ruby_install_flags }}', I get the command ~/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-2.1.3.

When running that command in the to be provisioned server, after some steps it stops askin me for the user password:

Updating systemdeploy password required for 'apt-get --quiet --yes update': ..

The user deploy is the user asigned to rvm1_user in my playbook.

So I'm suspecting, the reason Ansible stops is rvm waiting for User Input with the required password. Even when the command is supposed to be non interactive.

I was thinking in a workaround where you could tell rvm there is no need to update the system. But don't know yet how.

Anyway, this is the bug report.

lpaulmp commented 6 years ago

@jgomo3 are you installing RVM as privileged or non privileged user? In case use use a unprivileged user you should pass add the flag --user-install like in the example in the README. In case you use root user to install, the binaries will be install as system-wide.

jgomo3 commented 6 years ago

It should be a non privileged user.

This is the role configuration:

    - role: rvm_io.ruby
        - ruby-2.1.3
      rvm1_user: deploy
      rvm_install_flags: '--auto-dotfiles --user-install'
      rvm_install_path: '/home/deploy/.rvm'
jgomo3 commented 6 years ago

So I had to add --autolibs=0 to the rvm1_ruby_install_flags configuration value (even when I setted the rvm1_autolib_mode configuration value to 0) in order to avoid that pause.

Here is my final role configuration which is working now:

    - role: rvm_io.ruby
        - ruby-2.1.3
      rvm1_user: deploy
      rvm1_install_flags: '--auto-dotfiles --user-install'
      rvm1_ruby_install_flags: '--autolibs=0'
      rvm1_install_path: '/home/deploy/.rvm'
      rvm1_autolib_mode: 0
lpaulmp commented 6 years ago

@jgomo3 ok thanks for post the solution to your issue