After wasting quite a bit of time trying to decipher this error from Ansible, I found out that curl was not installed.
FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/tmp/ latest --path ~/.rvm --auto-dotfiles --user-install", "delta": "0:00:00.038466", "end": "2019-02-13 19:18:01.098527", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 200, "start": "2019-02-13 19:18:01.060061", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "Turning on auto dotfiles mode.\nTurning on user install mode.\nDownloading\n\nCould not download ''.\n curl returned status '200'.\n\nDownloading\n\nCould not download ''.\n curl returned status '200'.", "stdout_lines": ["Turning on auto dotfiles mode.", "Turning on user install mode.", "Downloading", "", "Could not download ''.", " curl returned status '200'.", "", "Downloading", "", "Could not download ''.", " curl returned status '200'."]}
There's nothing here that says that curl isn't installed and the stdout is misleading with the missing file name on the URL moving people further from the solution.
I discovered curl was missing after manually running the installer with set -x and seeing this line:
printf 'ERROR: %b\n' 'RVM requires '\''curl'\''. Install '\''curl'\'' first and try again.'
Not sure why this error is swallowed, but we should see a better error, since this role doesn't want to install the dependency automatically.
After wasting quite a bit of time trying to decipher this error from Ansible, I found out that curl was not installed.
There's nothing here that says that curl isn't installed and the stdout is misleading with the missing file name on the URL moving people further from the solution.
I discovered curl was missing after manually running the installer with
set -x
and seeing this line:Not sure why this error is swallowed, but we should see a better error, since this role doesn't want to install the dependency automatically.